cutting edge military designs


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here is the OICW:

this is the OCSW

Looks like a prop from Starship Troopers

anyone seen the OSW?
objective sniper weapon

The unit on the bottom is to replace the MK-19. Same ammo as the unit on the top.
20MM grenades... I am not impressed with the potential those must have.
The Objective Crew Served Weapon (OCSW) does not use the same 20mm HE round used in the OICW/ It fires a 25mm HE round using the same technology. At one time the Army considered using the 25mm ammunitiom in the OICW but rejected it and went to 20mmfor that weapon because of weapon weight and recoil problems.
Don't mean to nit-pick but, last time I checked, the Objective Crew Served Weapon is designed to fire a different round than the Objective Individual Combat Weapon. It's rounds will be 25mm (as opposed to 20mm on the OICW) in two configurations. One will be a fused airburst munition similar in concept to the OICW's 20mm. The other will be an armor piercing round.

The promise(s) or OCSW is of greatly enhanced lethality (airburst cancels out the protection of defilade, lowered logistics requirements (fewer rounds per kill = less rounds needed in the supply chain), and increased commonality of equipment(OCSW replaces M-240, M2, Mk 19 just as OICW replaces M-16A1/A2, M-4, M-203 and perhaps M-249). Even if the system meets all of its design specs., I'm not so sure I'd be comfortable trading in all my MGs for a fire-control dependant grenade launcher.


- Jawper
Waiting for resupply of HE 20mms would be a bit unnerving
how many can a soldier carry?
Having to depend on the short barreled rifle because you are out of HE would be dicey

Mogodishu style, oops we are isolated and cut off, and low tech rifles with plenty of ammo would beat the OICW squad

the way the natives's were hanging an AK around the corner and ripping off 30 rounds randomly was low tech, but they had the ammo resupply advantage. Also AKs can be dragged thru a street and still work...

I can't answer dZs question as to how many rounds of 20mm a soldier armed with an OICW i supposed to carry, however these are the parameters that would influence the decsion:

o The 20mm HE round projectile weighs 2.8 ounces
o The complete 20mm HE round weighs 3.2 ounces
o Five rounds weigh approximately a pound not counting the weight of the six round magazines. Given everything else the soldier has to carry it seems likely that the basic load would be 40 to 60 rounds of 20nn.