cutting down synthetic


can u cut down synthetic stocks. i cant get a yes or no answer. my thought is if u cut off and there is nothing to screw your recoil pad into you can fill it with an epoxy resin and tap it for screw holes. Or u could fill it w a light weight balsa wood and epoxy that in. any thoughts?
Depends entirely on the stock. In general, yes, nut not always. And how you mount a pad varies from easy to impossible.
I've not ran across any that couldn't be cut down. Putting the pad back on is the only trick with some. Most of the better stocks are designed with enough extra material to allow for a certain amount of cutting. The cheaper tupperware stocks are really not designed to do so. But a block of wood cut to a tight fit and epoxied into the end gives something to screw into.

Filling the hollow stock with expanding foam, letting it harden and cutting excess off will give a flat surface where the pad can be epoxied directly to the stock. Cutting a $1.99 flip flop to the correct size and gluing it on works great BTW. Saves a lot of money and weight. The last one I did weighed 1/2 oz vs 5 oz for a standard pad and cost under $2.
I had a cheap Steven's 200 cut down to fit my daughter. I was wondering how the GS did it so I pulled the pad off. He epoxied a piece of plywood inside the stock that fit perfectly into the opening, and gave a solid surface to attach the pad to. Good thing was he only charged me $100 including the pad.