Cut thumb shooting methods?


New member
On Thanksgiving morning I tried to finish opening a can lid with my thumb...end result, cut my right thumb deep and got off all kitchen duties for the day. Actually, here it is December and I am just barely getting the bandage off the cut.
Found out that you are slightly handicapped on doing a lot of things especially if you had to handle a handgun.

I'd like to hear any suggestions regarding having a self-defense plan if you couldn't use your right thumb to operate a handgun for self=defense.

Thank you for your suggestions and opinions.
A.....I shoot either handed, nearly equally well.
B.....Don't think thumb much use cept in reloadin. That's what other gun is for.

I know this probably makes me sound like an a... ok, maybe a jerk, but I would say to learn to use your other hand, or at least your other thumb. I try (ususally not successfully) to practice with my weak hand, as well. Just in case my strong hand is injured. I know what you mean, though. I have no use of my left thumb. A little parting gift from Uncle Sam. I had a lot of concerns about shooting handguns again after it happened, but it's not as bad or as difficult as I thought.
Good points

Drizzt and Sam,
Thanks for the ideas and your thoughts, boys...I forgot to mention one peculiar thing with me.
Years back, a guy tried to decapitate me with his straight edge razor...caught me at the top of the stairs when I thought he was unarmed and almost severed my left thumb from my left hand.
Doc said about an 1/8 of an inch more...bye bye thumb. So I have limited use of my left thumb after 35 years from the time I was cut. The best I could do was get within grabbing range and pop a cap near the BG and maybe I'll hurt the BG with the flash and explosion. Naw, not that bad, but no target shooting with the left hand, course, I started heavy practice again with the weak hand, but I wasn't impressed.
I was hoping you guys had an alternative shooting style...I've learned to pull the trigger with my middle finger if that helps.
Not really. I had a pretty bad cut on the inside of my right thumb when my G30 arrived, and I don't really suggest doing what I did, which was just to go ahead and shoot normally. That was enough to pop it right back open (they'd used that super-glue stuff, not stitches) and keep it from healing for a long time.

I actually did start shooting weak-handed, and it was good to do it. I had practiced it before and thought I was OK, but after that I realized I had thought it was OK because I hadn't expected to have to do it.