Customizing the Lee sizing die


New member
The bore on my Arisaka meaasures .31105 and the Lee sizing die is .311. I need .312. Would you suggest I size to .311 and PC to .312, PC to .312 to .313, or use valve grinding compound to enlarge the sizing die to .312? I was thinking of using the same ram rod and put valve grinding compound on it or a bullet and drive it through the sizing die a few times.
The bore on my Arisaka meaasures .31105 and the Lee sizing die is .311. I need .312. Would you suggest I size to .311 and PC to .312, PC to .312 to .313, or use valve grinding compound to enlarge the sizing die to .312? I was thinking of using the same ram rod and put valve grinding compound on it or a bullet and drive it through the sizing die a few times.
I would be concerned that the grit size of valve grinding compound may be too big to use for your purpose. If you decide to go ahead and risk your Lee die, I suggest starting with some way finer abrasive.
Either method will work. I’ve done both. I’ve used 600 grit valve lapping compound to open up a sizing die. Just apply some of the compound to a few bullets and size them. Check the resulting diameter often. The Lee did only took a handful of passes to enlarge. I tried the same thing with a Lyman die and it took much longer.
How to hone a Lee sizing die. to Hone a Size Die.pdf

If you have any of the Lee Breech Lock presses you can use the Lee Breech Lock sizing kit

Then purchase which sizer you want to use.

Most all military type surplus rifle that I have come across will chamber a much larger dia. bullet than the groove to groove dia. of the bore, with a few exceptions. In general, I size my bullets .002" over groove dia. or as large as will easily chamber. Powder coating will add .002" at a minimum usually more depending on the thickness of the coating.