Custom Rem 700 VTR


New member
Hey guys,

I have a Customized Rem 700 VTR that i am may be wanting to sell.

I have shot it maybe 150 times with match ammo. It has an HS precision stock and an HS precision detach mag with 2 mags. Harris bipod and a Menace tactical scope.

How much could i get for it?

...oh yes i did give it a paint job too.


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I don't know if it's actually accurate, but I usually go with 2/3 of the new cost as a starting point for used guns. So, cost of the rifle, stock, DBM system, and scope, then taking 2/3 of that if it's in good shape (which it seems to be from your description). I don't know if that works for you, but maybe it's a place to start.
"Customized" to you is mostly "Bubba'd" to buyers. Changing the original configuration of a rifle generally brings the value down. Put the original stock back on the rifle and you can start at 2/3 retail. But expect to get 1/2 retail.

You may be able to interest the buyer in a custom stock, if you have the original stock for the gun.
Head-space has a good point. Your configuration is the type of thing a few people might be in the market for, but the odds of it being exactly what a person wants are low. However, having the original stock will make it easier to sell. I'm afraid the paint might be a problem, though.
Ok cool.

I am debating on whether to sell it or or not. I was wanting to maybe trade it for a 1911 or an semi-automatic shotgun. But, that gun is extremely accurate. .5 MOA and already have taken one deer with it. I also have a buttload of mil-spec match ammo with it (i bought it when .308 match ammo cost $23 a box)
Yeah, if I were you, unless you just REALLY want a 1911 and never use that rifle, then I'd keep it. With the work you've put into it and all that ammo you bought, it's probably not worth selling unless you have no choice.
Well, my porblem is that i have an M4, and am building a 6.5 Grendel as well ( (i shoot my M4 alot!!!!). I don't get to shoot my .308 that much. Maybe once every 2-3 months, just because it's meant for 800 yards, not plinking.