custom Leather


Who makes good, quality, yet not too expensive, custom leather goods? Who do you all buy from, have good experiences with? Looking for holsters, belts, knife sheaths, etc., etc.

yo bro, which kind of custom leather ya talking about??

There are a plethora of holster makers...from the smallest least known makers (me :p ) to the 800lbs Gorilla's (Rosen, Sparks, Alessi etc)

Some do certain things and some do all...Just google the term "custom leather holster's" and go from there...

Gun belt's?? I have one guy that I recommend to everyone...goto WWW.THEBELTMAN.NET ....dude by the name of James Steigman runs it...Tops as far as I am concerned
Try this company. They don't custom make to your design, but have a huge selection with many options and probably already make what you want.