Custom .45 Pistol


New member
The wife is going to get me a very nice Christmas present this year :) and I was wondering what people think of the Kimber Ultra CDP versus something Custom like a Les Baer or Wilson Combat. The custom pistols are about double the Kimber. As I have never shot one, is it worth it?
I have one and have been completely satisfied with it. It's really accurate and easy to handle. I don't think you could go wrong with the Kimber CDP but if your wife is going to get you a Baer or Wilson,---- You Go Boy!:)
If I were going to spend the money on a custom type 1911, I would go with a Wilson. At least you know that the small parts are machined from SOLID steel. My .02.
cplane, do you have the Ultra? How does it shoot? I am looking for something smaller for my CCW like in the Commanche length. Thanks
Woops...sorry. I do mean Commander. I would like something under 30 ounces with a 3" or 3.5" barrel. I have shot a Kimber Stainless Compact and it was very nice. Thats' why I am considering a Kimber.
The Huntman, Yes mine is the Ultra CDP . It carries well in a braveheart Kydex .According to Kimber's ad, you get over $500.00 worth of extras when you buy the cdp package. The ultra is only 23 oz. and holds 7 + 1. The accuracy of this compact is amazing. I can dance pepsi cans at 20 yds. 6 out of 7 shots. I actually like to shoot it more than my full sized classic.
Shot a (someone else's)new Kimber Compact at the range today. I could shoot the compact more accurately than my full sized Sig P220. *Very* nice trigger pull, short travel and clean break. I'd buy the base model, and customize as needed. -good luck
If I were going to spend the money on a custom type 1911, I would go with a Wilson. At least you know that the small parts are machined from SOLID steel. My .02.

uhh, Wilson not only sells MIM parts but uses them in their lower priced models. Kimber and Colt ain't the only ones.

Give Terry Peters a call if you are looking for a Wilson, Brown or Baer. Great guy to deal with! For $1000+ I'd check out either a Wilson or Baer.
bk40, Do you think you can get a light weight, compact Wilson, Brown or Baer for about $1200.00 that would be comparable to the Kimber Ultra? I am looking for something to CCW. Thanks for all the advice and input.
Huntman, You can check their web sites to get specs and prices. However, I believe either Baer or Wilson will turn out a better product than Kimber. Not putting Kimber down. Just don't think their CDP pistols rate as high as Wilson or Baer.
Forgot to mention one other thing. If you don't mind the wait, you can order from Rock River Arms. They are turning out some very nice guns, about as good as anyone on the market today. Their prices are between Kimber's CDP and Wilson/Baer. That's what I did.:D
THe answers to you questions are all out there...

Aloha Huntsman...
I went through the same process taht you are going through in August and have just got around to taking delivery of 2 1911's. I too was very sold on Kimber and the CDPs have been getting a lot of good "press" esp. from American Handgunner. Doing a lot of research however, I found that the prevailing opinion from those I trust is that one should stick with a basic Kimber if you go with Kimber at all. Wilsons can be found out there for $1000. I missed a Prtector Ambi for $995 last week and a few others as well. The Kimber is a nice gun, you may be very happy with it, but the Wilsons and Baers are in a different class, the edge I decided going to Wilson because of service and warranty. Chaeck out these two threads as they contain a lot a great info...if you take the time, they will lead you in new directions. Please benefit from them and good luck with what you decide.

BTW I ended up buying a Wilson Combat Protector and a Gunsite GSP 2000.

Rock River Arms is a 2 man shop. Their attention to detail is much better than an semi custom/production shop would be. The end result is a gun that has better fit and finish, and in my opinion, better parts. In addition, since they are a custom shop you can order the gun your way. Your not tied to a "take these options whether you like it or not" scenario.

Their Elite Commando is a commander sized gun, only with a 4" bbl, like the Pro CDP. It is all steel, however. The cost is $ 1200.00. A little more than a CDP, but a little less than Baer/Wilson. When I ordered mine (early June)I was given a 5-6 month wait, but was recently told it "should" be ready at the end of Jan. They are quoting a 7-8 month turn around time now. It should be well worth the wait.

The problem here is, you have lots of people with different opinions. What might be attactive to one is not to another. You may be perfectly happy with a Kimber CDP, or you might kick yourself in the butt for not getting a custom shop gun. Only you know for sure what will make you happy.

Take everyone's info and sort it out to pick a gun that will suit you.

Good luck!!!
MPower How do you like your GSP 2000 I have one ordered and should take delivery of it this week.I also have a Wilson Protector with over 60,000 rounds through it that still shoots like new. BILLG
I highly recommend Wilson Combat. The only negative I know is that the wait time has become very long.

Gun Tests reviewed the Wilson CQB in the December issue, preferring it over the Kimber PRO CDP and Robar Combat. However, they thought the Kimber was a good value for the price. I am told (I personally have not read the article) that Gun Tests previously ranked the CQB over a Clark Custom and Les Baer Premium II.

I agree with MPower that checking out the 1911forum is a good idea.

I purchased my Wilson from P.& T. Partners ( and received excellent service.
Another option would be to get a base Kimber or Springfield customized by one of this country's premier pistolsmiths (or to have one of those guys make you a gun from scratch). Examples include Brian Bilby, Marc Krebs (I have one of his, and I love it) and Dane Burns, to name just a couple. Their work is second to none (including Wilson, Rock River Arms and Les Baer. Entry level in these shops is about $1300. Marc Krebs is quoting about a 4 week lead time on one of his "Pointman" models, which has received excellent reviews in a recent issue of American Handgunner. Check out these guys, and do a little searching on the 1911 Forum for fun. Good luck.
Aloha GSP2000 is at the dealership waitng out the ridiculous 14 day waiting period here in Hawaii. I have shot someone elses however, and I think it is a great deal for the money. It was between that and a Wilson Protector/CQB or a 1996A2 that a local dealer has. I have replaced the logo grips with some dark rosewood double diamondsand I intend to have the front strap/MSH checkered. I will post some pics when I get it if there is any interest!
