Custom 1911 idea, can this be done???


New member
I've asked about this before but didn't explain it before. I wanted to have a 1911 but I wanted to be able to see the rounds in the grips area by having clear grips and mag wiht the sides cut out or something. Is thhis possible?? Can somebody help.

thanks in advance, Cyric13
It would be possible, you would need to have a "window" cut in the sides of your magazines or at least have the witness holes opened up. Finding commercial transparent stocks will not be possible I am afraid. Those would have to be custom made, either by yourself or by a stock maker. During WWII a lot of military 1911's had stocks made for them out of the plexiglass from aircraft. However those grips were not left transparent but were backed to make them more colorful.

You could have custom stocks made ala the ASP stocks on the cut down S&WM-39's that were around at one time. Wooden stocks with a transparent window that matched the window in the magazine.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Yes, it can be done rather easily. Rather than modify existing magazines for your 1911 type pistol, purchase a few Wilson-Rogers magazines, they already have a vertical slot machined into the sides of the magazine, where the remaining rounds can be seen.. Stocks could be a bit more difficult to find, you might try Carbon Creations to see if they have a clear set of stocks, Worst case scenario, is that you get a set of wood stocks for the 1911, and cut out witness holes then cut a piece of lucite to fit and glue it in place. Mark / FL
The old Seventrees ASP (cut-down S&W M-39) had this arrangement, as did some of Charlie Kelsey's Devel M-39 and M-59 conversions.

Consider this; if the threat is still up and threatening, you should be shooting, not attempting to inventory your ammo. The pistol will lock open when empty.

If you are behind cover, during a lull in the action, go ahead and do a tactical reload, keeping your eyes on the threat area, regardless of how many or few rounds remain in the original magazine.

Try as I might, I can't think of any situation that is best addressed by looking through a window in one's pistol stock and counting remaining rounds. Looks trick though.

The idea is not new, having been suggested by both the U.S. and German armies and tried on the early Colts and Lugers. "Cartridge counter" grips for the Luger were sold for a while, but things never got beyond the experimental or novelty stage. They even had a brass strip alongside the "window" with numbers showing the rounds available.

One problem with the 1911 type is that seeing the top couple of rounds would require cutting away some of the frame and weakening it. Another problem (which might not be one today) was that the early plastics darkened and made it hard to see the rounds anyway unless the light was pretty strong.

Like many other probably good ideas, I think this is one whose time has went.

Thanks for the advice you guys. I don't want to count ammo just wanted somthing I though would look good. I rememebered the guns in the new movie Romeo & Juliet and though they looked good. Want A gun that looks and shoot good, just wanted to know if I cut a window in the mag if it would make feeding problems, didn't think it would just wanted to ask some more experience gun guys.