Current Taurus revolvers...any good????


New member
I saw a new 445, stainless 44 spec. snub in the store yesterday....owned one of the same several years ago, had trouble with broken parts...

Anyone out there bought one of the newer Taurus revolvers, if so, have you shot the fire out of it? How has the thing held up?

I'm starting to lust after a wheelgun....again

Mike M.
Hi Mike,
You might want to check several of the other Taurus threads. In general Taurus makes some very fine high quality revolvers, but they also seem to have more than their share of lemons. I've owned 2 Taurus revolvers and have shot several more and they've all been great. Others have had terrible experience with the ones they've owned. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase another one if I were looking for one today.

I don't think you're likely to see durability problems as in parts breaking, but you may get a lemon. Examine the particular one you want to buy and test fire it if possible and you should do ok.
I mentioned this in another post,but...I have a Mod.627 Titanium Tracker,have fired at least 3000 rounds with it,no problems.The action is not as smooth as my Colts or S&Ws,and I've been concerned about the sporadic quality problems Taurus seems to have been having,but,so far,so good...
I also have the 627 tracker in 357 and have put over 1000 round thru it. I have used several different brands of ammo and have had no problems with it so far.
My Total Titanium and Stainless Steel Model 85 38 snubbies have functioned perfectly so far. No compliants whatsoever. I always get compliments for them when I am at the range.
