Current Nevada CCW requirements

Nat Reader

I see this asked all over the web. Here are the official published standards currently in place as of today for Nevada for new applicants Please remember these are the minimum requirements and CCW instructors (such as Gun Store) can make the written test of range qualification harder. They just cannot make it easier.

SB126 (if passed) will make it unnecessary to range qualify with each semi auto, but currently it is not yet law. Also note that recent changes means your CCW expires 5 years from date of issuance and not your birthday (3 years for non residents)

Revised May 24, 2010 by the NVSCA

The Nevada Sheriffs and Chiefs Association (NVSCA) establishes the minimum training standards required for the issue and renewal of carry concealed handgun permits (CCW) and the minimum standards required to become an instructor for concealed handgun permits Authority for the NVSCA to establish these standards is provided in Nevada Revised Statute 202.3657
The following standards are the minimum required for the course of instruction which must be obtained prior to an individual applying for a CCW permit, or prior to the renewal of a permit


All training must take place within the state of Nevada. The course must be a minimum length of 8 hours. This can be one 8-hour course or two 4-hour courses that are no longer than 15 days apart. No certificate shall be issued until the student successfully completes the entire course. The course must include the approved written examination and firearms qualification for each make, model and caliber of any semiautomatic handgun listed on
the certificate and/or “revolver” for any revolver on the certificate. The certificate is valid for the CCW application for one year from the date of successful completion of the course. Training must include instruction in the use of revolvers, each semiautomatic handgun to which the application pertains, and in the laws of this State relating to the use of firearms
and concealed carry of firearms, liability, and gun safety. The certificate must list each make, model, and caliber of semiautomatic handgun and/or
revolver. Revolvers do not require specific make, model or caliber to be listed. The certificate must state the course was 8 hours in length and the location the training occurred, to include classroom and range. The certificate shall have the instructor and student signatures and initials where appropriate.

Written Examination

The written examination attached will serve to demonstrate basic knowledge of the required subjects. The test requires a minimum of 70% to pass, and will be indicated on the certificate as “Pass/Fail” only. In the event the student has a learning disability the test can be administered as an oral
examination, with the same scoring requirements.

Firearms Qualification

A total of 30 rounds for 6 shot or larger capacity and 25 rounds for 5 shot capacity must be fired. Firearms with less than a 5 shot capacity will have to be reloaded at each stage to comply with the 5 shot capacity standards. A minimum score of 70% is required to pass, and shall be indicated on the certificate as “Pass/Fail” only. A humanoid style target such as the B27, B21 or FBI Q shall be used.

6 Shot Capacity Course

3 yards 6 rounds No time limit Freestyle stance and grip
5 yards 12 rounds No time limit Freestyle stance and grip
7 yards 12 rounds No time limit Freestyle stance and grip

5 Shot Capacity Course

3 yards 5 rounds No time limit Freestyle stance and grip
5 yards 10 rounds No time limit Freestyle stance and grip
7 yards 10 rounds No time limit Freestyle stance and grip