Current gun laws in Illinois are sickening


New member
If you are pulled over and they find a handgun in your car that isn't registered, the police can confiscate your car. Now with Gov. Ryan's new safe neighborhood law you will be charged with a felony. Let say you lived in Chicago or a surrounding neighborhood that denies the existence of the 2nd amendment. You can find yourself facing felony charges, hugh attorney fees, and the lost of your vehicle. All this because you decided to take your handgun to the shooting range one day and forgot that the laws were changed. Years ago, I thought of how nice it would be to train my sons how to properly handle a firearm. Now, I had to reconsider taking them to the range due to fears of losing my car, losing 3 years of my life and thousands of dollars in attorney fees. If you think that moving to another state is the solution better think again. Time is an enemy to all. Education is the key to all our problems not ignorance. How are the laws in your state? Are they getting more restrictive?
Colorado's not too bad now but the noose is tightening slowly but surely. CCW laws are actually one of the best in the country except for the "may issue" clause & that the whole state is patch-work because the issuing authority is the separate county sheriffs rather than at the state level. Different sheriffs put varying restrictions on their CCW recipients.

I think El Paso (Springs area) folks can't carry in schools, etc. Larimer (Ft Collins/Fun) county folks can carry in schools but we aren't allowed to carry open-only concealed. Understand that each of these restrictions are contrary to state law.

And, there are several city ords which are much more restrictive & who really has a clue as to all the different regs in the "occupied zones?" The Denver "safe streets/public nuisance law" (or some such) "allows" them to confiscate your car if a gun is found therein - even if you have a CCW - "proven good guy."
Outside of the City of Chicago, there is no registration of guns. Some suburbs, i.e Oak Park and Morton (Moron?) Grove, prohibit possession of handguns within their corporate limits. You must have an Illinois Firearms Owner's Identification card to possess any firearm; this card also is need in order to buy ammunition and even primers. Carrying a handgun within reach of you in a vehicle always was an offense (misdemeanor) but was made a felony with the enactment of the Safe Neighborhoods Act. Gov. George Lyin' Ryan should come out and admit he's a Democrat, the chowderhead.
The safe neighborhoods act was made in 95. Just last week they found it to be unconstitutional and want to change it from felony to misdemeanor. Currently many of us are writing the reps and trying to get a CCW law passed, this way if someone is illegally carrying it will still be a felony. If you are in IL I encourage you to write and call, we can use all the help we can get. As for carrying the gun in the car, I might be wrong on this, but I thought you can take it to the range, but it has to be locked up, unloaded in the trunk of the car. My BIL travels to Wi for hunting all the time, and I know he brings the handgun along for the ranges. But you do have to have that FOID card just to handle a gun. :( Something I do not have yet.

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Its frightening when the gun laws in Chicago, NY, Maryland etc are more restrictive than those in Canada and Australia.
Yahooooo! It is now officially a misdemeanor and no longer a felony! For more information, go into legal and political. There is an entire thread about it. Now we need the CCWs and we are set! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Its frightening when the gun laws in Chicago, NY, Maryland etc are more restrictive than those in Canada and Australia.

Or when current Russian laws are in many ways less restrictive than those in New Jersey.

In illinois, whenever you buy a gun from an FFL its automatically "registered". Hate to burst your bubble!!!

Welcome to the People's Republic of Illinois!!!

"By His stripes we are healed..."


[This message has been edited by PeterGunn (edited December 30, 1999).]
Actually the law says that your gun just has to be encased and unloaded. On the State Police website, they creatively have installed (i.e. like locked in your trunk). Now there was new legislation that says you have to have your firearms locked up at all times with a trigger lock or gun locker. Well I own a Pick-up and I don't have a trunk :)

Ok, we won this battle, but they will be back in January. They will need only a simple majority to pass it too. This is the game plan - We need to trade Misdemeanor for a UUW for CCW. That will give the Democrats their Felony, but give us, atleast, some safety from prosecution for carrying a concealed weapon. I know some people will adamently say that we don't need Gov't approval to Bear arms because it is in our constitution, but when have you seen a gov't be reasonable, and vote according to their duty as Americans?? So NOW contact your Reps., Senators, and the Governor and tell him that we want CCW and will give them in exchange the Felony provision that the Democrats and our Govornor sorely want.
I highly recommend for info on the REAL law of Illinois. You can also print out a copy of the McDade vs. Illinois decision in which an appellate court held that it was perfectly legal according to IL law for the defendant to have a cased, unloaded L . . . L . . . L . . . Lor . . . Lorcin (sorry, had a hard time getting that one out :) ) in his glove box and the loaded magazine in a jacket pocket. He wasn't wearing the jacket, but the language of the decision is very clear: ". . . .However, the statutory exemption contains no requirement regarding the absence of or location of ammunition. Therefore, we must find that defendant was exempt . . . ."

When I drive home from my girlfriend's house this afternoon, I will have my pistol in its carrying case, unloaded with the bolt locked open, and the magazines will be in the glove compartment. I will also have the copy of the McDade decision I just printed on the seat next to me.

BTW, if you live in IL and don't think your guns are registered, you may be kidding yourself. If they were bought in IL in the past however many years, you provided FOID info at time of purchase or you're a criminal. I don't like it any better than you do, but you should be aware of it.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron