Curious 56-56 Spencer headstamp


New member
Good Day! I was looking around the old Fort Stambaugh, Wyoming site this weekend and found what apears to be a 56-56 Spencer Rimfire cartridge case with a headstamp " V V & Co.". I can't seem to find any info for this headstamp. Does anyone have any information that may hel. Fort Stambaugh was established near Atlantic City, Wyomiing in 1870 and was closed in 1878 or 1880. Thanks in advance.
very well could be! The case is in pretty bad shape. I think it has been laying out in the elements since the 1870's. I found two in the same spot, one has nothing identifiable as far as a headstamp. Thanks! I will start looking for FVV&Co.
Thanks Jim. It was FVV&Co. on the headstamp. After some quick and dirty research, it apears the FVV company supplied spencer ammo to the cavalry from 1865 to 1868. The company B of the 2nd cavalry were stationed at Fort Stamdaugh durring the early 1870's. I sure would like to know the story behind these cases. Where they fired at hostiles or were they used to secure camp meat for the soldiers at the fort? Very cool. i also wish I had the spencer rifel that fired them. I have never had the pleasure of seeing one in person, only dreams! Anyhow, Thanks a bunch.
It is interesting how the pioneers carried the old names westward. I had no idea there is/was an Atlantic City, Wyoming, which would be not quite as far from the Atlantic ocean as you can get in the U.S., but it might be hard to find a beach in the area. And of course the name Wyoming comes from the Wyoming valley in Pennsylvania.

Yep! This Atlantic City was named because it is the last established community on the Oregon/California/Mormon Trail before it reaches the Great Divide. Hence the name Atlantic! Just ten miles from there is South Pass City and Pacific Creek! I have seen the Wyoming valley of Pennsylvania but never thought it was where the State got its' name. Very interesting. Found some more shell cassings and a few sandstone buttons the otherday. All I can say is, Those old dudes were tough!