Curios and Relics Application


New member
Where do you send your Curios and Relics Application?
A friend down the street says they sent his application and money back and told him to send it to the local Chief Law Enforcemet agent.
Two identical forms are sent to fill out. One goes with $30 to the BATFE via the address on the form.

The other goes to the local chief law enforcement officer (CLEO), in my case, the county sheriff, since I know him.
A friend down the street says they sent his application and money back and told him to send it to the local Chief Law Enforcemet agent.
One of the copies in the packet is supposed to go to the CLEO. I presume your friend didn't read the instructions. :rolleyes:

BTW if you weren't already aware, the copy sent to the CLEO is for notification only, not for approval. It's only a factor in states like MA, CA, & IL where they have strict gun registration laws and want to know whose shoulders to look over. :rolleyes: Most police departments will throw it away or file it in some obscure file box somewhere, never to be seen again. Send it certified mail with a delivery receipt, keep the delivery receipt in your files for CYA, and forget about it. :)
Years ago when I got an 01 FFL, I took the notification copy to the local sherriff's office and when I handed it over, they asked "what do we do with this". I'm sure it went into a round file.
Most police departments will throw it away or file it in some obscure file box somewhere, never to be seen again.

Mine signed the darned thing and mailed it back to me for some reason.

I keep it in my C&R file.
I send the CLEO copy to the county sheriff. Never heard anything from them at all. In Illinois, outside of Crook County I doubt any sheriff cares if you have a C&R license.

And its not like they have any say in the matter.