Cruise Missle Inventory?


New member
The post on dropping concrete bombs made me think of something else. Anyone have any idea how many Cruise Missles are left in the inventory? Our gallant Commander-in-Chief seems determined to use them all. Betcha China knows EXACTLY how many we have left....

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It is too late to worry now. Congress let him fight his " war'in Kosovo and will share the blame in the future because of their laisez faire attitude towards Klinton the last 7 years. Our "king" has been given a free ride by the so called Republican Congress.
Akchewlee, China formally protested the wording in the FY2K Defense Bill, as it was insulting to them. Ergo, not only do they probably know how many, but know how much we're going to pay for the next batch!

"If you really want to know what's going on;
then, you have to follow the money trail."
I believe Air Force magazine reported there were less than 150 left in inventory, and there is year at least until the next block will be delivered because the manufacturer must tool up again after shutting down production. That was a few months ago.
It's important to note that the number you saw was for air-launched cruise missiles (AGM-86C, Conventional Air Launched Cruise Missile - CALCM). These are former nucs remanufactured to carry an HE warhead. There was a very limited number in the arsenal around Desert Storm and they have been built up from retired nucs over the past few years. Point is we've never had many. There is now a funded initiative to remanufacture something like 380 over the coming year. This is only intended as a stop-gap until the next generation of air-launched cruise missiles begins coming on line @ 2002 (AGM-158, Joint Air to Surface Standoff Missile - JASSM).

The other type of cruise missile, the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile - TLAM, is sub or ship launched and although also now in short supply more are in the pipeline. They were more widely produced than CALCM to begin with and production of new mods (as well as remanufacture of older ones) has continued.

In both cases, shortage of cruise missiles is NOT the most pressing issue. The real shortage brought on by the Allied Force operations was in the new generation of precision and near precision weapons. Munitions like JDAM, JSOW, AGM-130, etc. were only coming on line in limited numbers anyway and the information coming out of EUCOM and Commander Allied Forces Southern Europe says that these munitions were central to Operation Allied Force. Furthermore, shortages of these munitions SEVERLY constricted operations.

Sorry to be so long but the granular view matters in this issue so that we can hold our congressmen accountable for getting the gals and guys in uniform the toys they need to do the job.

- jawper
On the contrary, I think the biggest shortage is in cojones and brains among our congresscritters, executives, and judges.

Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up... Yankee Doodle