Cruffler goes Berserk.


Suicide by cop? Otherwise, what would posess someone to be so stupid?

I mean, I'm a history buff myself but would'nt run around in a Buddyeny
helmet pointing Nagants at cops :cool:

Seattle police fatally shoot armed history buff

Associated Press - January 3, 2009 2:33 AM ET

SEATTLE (AP) - Friends and family say a University of Washington student wearing a vintage German military uniform when he was fatally shot by police New Year's Day was a harmless, eccentric history buff.

Seattle police converged on Miles Murphy's apartment after receiving complaints that several men were firing rifle and shotgun rounds into the air.

Authorities say Murphy emerged from inside and pointed a World War II-era rifle at police. They say when he refused several orders to drop the weapon, officers opened fire.

Police say a search of his place turned up alcohol, live ammunition and a large collection of German, Russian and Nazi memorabilia.

A friend tells the Seattle Post-Intelligencer Murphy wasn't a Nazi, just someone "fascinated with the past." Another friend says Murphy wanted to be a German literature professor and had a large collection of WWII memorabilia.

WildandithoughuscrufflerswerejustharmlesscranksAlaska TM
Otherwise, what would posess someone to be so stupid?
Police say a search of his place turned up alcohol, live ammunition and a large collection of German, Russian and Nazi memorabilia.
You answered your own question there, Wild. Most people would ventilate someone who points a rifle at them and refuses to put it down if they had the means to do so.


ETA: This article about how the weapon had been taken from him before but given back to his father soon after leads me to believe that the dude had mental issues and a friend or family member requested that the police take his weapon from him. Booze and mental health issues do not make a good combo. It probably was suicide by cop, judging by the way he lowered the rifle, then raised it again, as if he decided to go through with it.
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Somebody should have told him you have to be in the German Army to be awarded the iron cross...

Nazi junk collectors, what do you expect?
Nice moustache, though.

I wasn't trying to offend normal, sane people who collect WWII stuff, that's not what this guy was. He was a weirdo obsessed with dressing up like a Nazi who only had one rifle, that's not a Cruffler, that's a Nazi junk collector.
I recall a case earlier this year, where somebody dressed up as a soldaten complete with K98 and set off to kill his neighbor. Maybe the officers involved in the latest incident remembered that and assumed this guy was a copycat.
I hope there was someone that could eye withness this to make sure the fishy sounding parts are facts instead of what ever.
What makes this guy a "cruffler"? He's a Nazi war buff with a K98k. As tragic as it is, don't link him with us.

Most infantrymen in the Wehrmacht were NOT Nazis.

Most WWII collectors are NOT Nazi empathizers.

These Gemans were average Joe's who went to work every day
just like you and were conscripted into the army.

Who knows what this fellow was really all about ?

Don't be foolish and label this chap when you don't
know all the facts. Very sad story.


These Gemans were average Joe's who went to work every day
just like you and were conscripted into the army.
I am siding with the chaps at Nuremberg. If you knew about it and went along you are not innocent. This idea that following orders exonerates a person from crimes against humanity, war crimes, etc. has never held water and never will. If you are holding a gun you have no excuse.

If that memorabilia was a $19.99 "Nazi Youth Auto Knife" from CTD, he is at the very least an idiot, and probably a Nazi.

Don't be foolish and label this chap when you don't
know all the facts. Very sad story.
Unless he was in open rebellion against "the corrupt, communist. fascist, etc." regime of the United States; he was drunk and pointing a firearm at police officers. I judge him harshly.
If he was waging open rebellion, he should have gone with a K31 and all white snow gear. Way classier. John Brown agrees(we talk about this sort of thing regularly).
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