Crow season!!!


New member
For my money shooting crows with a highpower is as about as good as it gets. When the snow flies, a combo Fox and crow hunt is a riflemans dream.

In Iowa, there is a split season on crows, Oct 15 th thru Dec 1st then Jan 15 thru March 31st. The reason for the split is deer season. No rifles are allowed for deer, just shotgun muzzeloader, pistol & bow.

I have always admired the crow & its ways. Stalking and getting within range of a group or lone a crow is a challenge. Watching thier antics can be rewarding & enlighting. Crows have 28 seperate vocalizations to comminacate with other crows.

Currently, i use a Remington 700 custom - chambered in 6mm Ackley improved & a Savage Stricker pistol chambered in 22-250.

Favorite load for Crow [6mm Ack] 47.5 grains of Varget - 58 grain Hornaday V-max - CCI benchrest primer - Winchester brass. Specs out at @ 4000fps - 3 inches of drop at 300 yards.

Still working on loads for my pistol - H-414 behind some Sierra 53 grain HPBt match are looking good. If i could fing some H-380 it could get better.

The best shot i ever made was on a crow, right at 300 yards in a 30 mph crosswind. After you strip the feathers off a crow they are about the size of a Robin....

If there are others here who enjoy this sport i would enjoy hearing any tips or stories.

Thanks - 12-34hom.
"It's so cold the only things out moving are crows and Methodist preachers." Old Hoosier Saying.

12-34, you have my blood moving, sir! Love to crow shoot.

We use cross country skis and white coveralls here. I like to use valleys and dales to sneak up on groves at the edge of corn or soybean fields. Or you can call them in with tapes.

Lots of different stuff used around here--.223s, .22-250, or .220 Swift mainly. I confess I have never seen a 6mm used. You must have more open shots than me.

I prefer shotgun with old lead shot duck loads (Remington "Nitro Express Magnums" #2s [the old green and yellow boxes]) are my favorites and the tightest choke you can get (turkey for my Remington).

Hit a crow in the head with a .22-250, but it was too far out to be believed.

Here's to a wicked winter that kills lots of bug-borne West Nile virus and brings lots of crows out!:cool:

What memories that brings back! My deceased FIL enjoyed the sport of crow shooting to the extreme. It was my good fortune to be able to hunt with him back in the days of unlimited (varmit status) bags in the Hoosier state in the early '60's.

I've got stories I won't bore you with now, just to say a day in winter with a 12 gauge pump and a live owl decoy provided some of the wildest shooting you ever witnessed!
Calling all crows.

I found a older book about crow hunting. Can't remember the authors name, but it was chocked full of great tips and stories.

I have never hunted crows with a shotgun, but this gent had. It showed him in one picture, with one days kill = 300 +. His "blind" that he constructed was made of snow fence. This would be the older type, with wooden slats used in its constrution. Its was easy to transport [just rolled up].

I don't use a electronic caller, i have an Olt model 44 crow call. [walnut barrel] I have never found another call that comes close to its sound. But, i've been looking hard at getting a electric caller, leaning towards Johnny Stewart model. If i get one, shotgun hunting might be in the offing.... :)

There's a marsh area about 20 miles from where i live. It's a haven for flocks of crows, plenty of food, many pine trees to roost in = crow heaven.

I swear, after hunting these wiley birds, it would seem to me that they recognized the vehicle i drove. ;)

Thinking back, the coldest i've ever been were crow and duck & fox hunting. Belly crawling thru snow drifts at -10 to get a shot at some prime fur or testing my shooting skills.

Either way, it's one kick ass way to enjoy a winter day.

Days way back, in NW Louisianna, My Dad & me sneaking crows .... his .22-250 & my .243

We did do 'em in mostly.

Took some outstanding shots well past 400 yards when my eyes were much more young & things were more steady all-in-all.

Did show me the propects available of a steady rifleman with a dialed-in load .....

Couples of that skill-set still remains .... :p

Never done the calls, etc. to pull 'em in close for shotguns, but the long-range rifle-smith-work still remains forever.
Something to keep in mind: crows are one of the more common bird species being seriously affected with West Nile Virus. You may wish to check with local health folks or game warden on the risk associated with butchery and consumption of potentially infected crows.
That's rich.

No offense, but "digestion of crows .... ?" A-hoo

Right up there with jumbo shrimp.

Cannot imagine anyone wanting to do anything than to watch them detonate in a 10X+ scope ......
This brings back fond memories of crow hunting in the pine woods and pastures behind Cecil Field Naval Air Station in Jacksonville.

Early mornings, we would lay under a tarp in the open field with a crow call and decoys. #6 shot from the 12 Ga Remington Wingmaster and an extra full choke did well.

In the afternoon, we would shoot them out of the tops of Pine trees at over 200 yards with a .222 and a .22/250.
Are you for real? You can actually hunt crows? Please come and stay with us for a month! I will cook you full course dinners, do your laundry, etc, etc. You can have ALL of the crows and there are many! :D