Crossfire Trail Review

Ned Roundtree

New member
Anyone see Tom Selleck's movie this past weekend? I have had some folks say it was very predictable. I for one thought it was great. I loved everything about it. The guns were great. I don't think I have seen a cowboy movie with that many cross draw holsters. Reviews on movie?
Howdy Ned,

Aren't all Westerns pretty predictable?? L'Amour Westerns are even more so. Good guy, Bad guy, gunfight at the end.

I enjoyed it a lot. The clothes, guns, and setting were really fantastic. Nice to see something besides the standard Colt-Winchester gun selection. When was the last time you saw a Remington-Keene or an Evans in a movie, much less both in the same movie.

Some folks seem to enjoy picking Westerns apart as far as accuracy goes. They seem to forget that it's a movie based on a fictional book, not a documentary. Since TNT has stated that they'll only be making one Western a year now, I guess we had better enjoy this one. Maybe Sam Elliott will make it into the next one.

Bellicose Bill
Saw part of it will catch the rest later.

What I saw looks good, the same director that did Lonesome Dove, so ya know it has to be pretty good.

Tom & Sam make a good team, they've done a few together,
always enjoyed them.
What was the pitol Tom had ? looked like a Scofield ?
Speaking of Schofields, I dropped into the Oakland City Museum and they've got a very nice one on display in their history section. They also have a Beck marked percussion rifle, a U.S. Model 1841 (Mississippi rifle with sword bayonet affixed) and a few other guns on display. Admission is free folks.
Thanks Bill, thought it was.

When you say open top, is that refering to a Colt army/navy
where there isn't any frame over the cylinder ?
Howdy Gus,

The 1872 Open Top looks like the Army/Navy C&B pistols, but was manufactured as a cartridge gun. As you surmised, it's called an open top because it doesn't have the frame across the top of the cylinder.

Bellicose Bill
Ditto on of Bill's comments. What a pleasure to see Sooo many different type guns in this western. Most folks just see everyone and I mean everyone running around in Cowboy Movies with Winchesters and 1873 Colt Peacemakers. It has sent a lot of us scrambling to research the guns. I like his Schofield also. Some friends of mine who are not CAS were amazed at how the gun broke open for reloads. They have never seen this in a cowboy gun. What an education America got that night. In addition, I understand the New York Times had an article indicating something like 7.7 million households watched the movie that night. Highest made for tv movie attendance in a while. Next closest was like 4.3 million. I could be wrong in the numbers. Anyone got the viewing numbers on this?
From The New York Times:

A Hit for TNT

On Sunday TNT showed another of the original movies it has been making lately: "Crossfire Trail," a Louis L'Amour western starring Tom Selleck.

There was nothing special about the way it was promoted: the network bought about as many advertisements for it as it usually does for an original movie on basic cable. Likewise, it used its usual public relations effort to get notice for the film in the press but did nothing beyond the norm.

With that in mind, the film's performance in the ratings on Sunday night seemed amazing. The film's 8 p.m. showing was watched in 7.7 million homes, the largest audience ever for an original movie shown on cable, TNT executives said. For cable, it is the kind of ratings number that makes executives at other networks stop and take notice.

The record was previously held by the USA network's "China Lake Murders," which starred Tom Skerritt and was seen in about 4.3 million homes when it was shown in January 1990.

So, what gives? Steven R. Koonin, TNT's executive vice president and general manager, said he believed that several factors fueled the film.

First, he said, he believes it was a very good movie (but what would you expect him to say?) Also, he pointed out, it was shown on the first Sunday of the television season on which professional football games were not shown — meaning there were millions of men who did not get their weekly fill of testosterone-inducing action and were, thus, ripe for a good, old-fashioned western. To lure them to its new original movie, TNT showed westerns all weekend (including "The Quick and the Dead" and "Wyatt Earp"), he said.

Mr. Koonin said he thought the strategy was effective because the genre is still ripe for television, and that those who enjoy them are thirsty for them.

"There's a lot of pent-up demand for westerns," Mr. Koonin said. "It's a strong genre that's underexploited."

But, he added, "Having a Texan in the White House didn't hurt either."
Thanks, Bill for the source. I hate quoting something that I just heard from someone else. Well, I have heard the President of the United States being credited for many things. But as a possible reason for high ratngs? Evidently, our TV executive or should I say Cable executive underestimates our love and fascination with the Code of the West. The are also underestimating CAS influence and growth. Should we tell them? Nah, let him think I watched the movie because a Texan is in the White House. Maybe they will make more cowboy movies for the next four years?
I thought this one was better than most of the other westerns that TNT has been putting out.

It was good to see a variety of arms. I especially liked seeing that Winchester '76 saddle ring carbine and the fact that they seemed to make a concerted effort to let the audience know that it was of a proper caliber. It was kind of like tossing out a cookie to those of us who pay special attention to such details. Also, I'm finishing up Venturino's book on lever actions of the old west, so I was able to explain to my fiance how the movie made an accurate portrayal of that particular gun. She was soooo impressed.:rolleyes:

That reminds comes on again tonight and my mom wants me to record it for her...
