crossdraw holsters


New member
Anybody know of a prouction model for a 5.5" Blackhawk? I'm too tight and impatient to order a custom. I like a Galco I have for another model but they don't show one for the 5.5 Ruger. Prefer that style.

Thanks; Gunzo
Tucker Crossdraw Field Holster

Here's a possible solution for your 5.5" Blackhawk. We can get it to you usually within 10 days or less. $85.00

Thanks tonerguy, but not quite what I had in mind for this particular apllication. Might have to have one for my SAA though.

gunny6: whats you're cyclone fit? I'll be darned if I can find a part number for a blachawk, much less a 51/2". I have a cyclone for a 1911 and I like it, but I don't think it's made in th Blachawk size.

I'll have to say that the Galco is really cool. I have one for a m66 Smith, that has two belt loops. One for stong side, the other for crossdraw. Two for the price of one!
