Crossdraw holsters?


New member
Hey all,

I'm kinda looking around for a new holster for my P-89, and I've lately been interested in cross-draws. Anyone have any recommendations for any brands that make cross-draws for a P-89?


"Um, that's a muzzle loader. Only use that for protection if you're being attacked by geriatrics in wheelchairs."
Kinda interested in same myself. Favor Kydex so... Mad Dog offered some at one time (hoping they still do). Also Blade-Tech.
I'm not a fan of cross-draw, for several reasons. First, they're harder to conceal than a hip holster (just a bit of wind to open your coat and you've flashed). They're also bad for handgun retention. Cross-draw positions the grip perfectly for a right-handed bad guy to grab, and places your strong arm in a weak position for defense. In addition, your draw can be easily jammed by the attacker moving in close. And when you do draw, it is very easy to sweep the muzzle across your weak arm (as well as lots of bystanders).

That said, when seated, it is easier to draw from a cross-draw than a hip holster. So, you'll have to decide whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for you.

I like Rusty Sherrick's holsters a lot, and he does make several cross-draw holsters:
