CrossBreed for J-frames?


Hey gang!

I'm in the market for an IWB holster for my S&W 642 which is my dedicated EDC carry gun. What I've been using the past year since I bought the gun in a set of Barami hip grips paired with a Tyler-T grip adapter. A nice simple combo to be sure, very discrete and it hasn't let me down yet. But, it has some issues. Below is a picture of my current setup:


These grips just aren't that comfortable during firing. The Barami's are slick, slim, and have the flared out portion on the right grip panel to go over the belt for CCW. All of this is great for concealment, but pretty bad for recoil control. I've adapted by grip and learned to deal with it, but I'd imagine a set of boot grips would be much nicer. I've been looking at the VZ Grips G10 checkered grips and they look like they'd be much more comfortable and offer a better grip, especially with sweaty or (God forbid) blood or gore covered hands.

Also, while the Barami setup I have is secure, I sometime feel like it could be a bit more so. It relies on belt tension to secure the gun properly, and I sometimes feel like my belt doesn't get it as tight as I want or it makes it too tight, I almost need to drill another hole between the ones already on my belt. I use a Beltman 1.5" bullhide belt BTW.

Lastly, the draw with these grips is just plain slow. They make the gun sit really low, which is ideal for deep concealment but in order to get the small grips clear of the belt for better purchase, I have to rock them forward, struggle to get a grip on the slick Baramis, then draw. It's slow, awkward, and I could even see myself accidentally dropping the slick gripped gun to the floor during a fast life or death draw attempt.

So, I'm wanting to find an IWB holster so I can alleviate all of the above issues. I will be able to use more comfortable grips with better traction, retention should be better, and draw speed should be increased.

So I've been searching, and came across the CrossBreed brand, which I've read great things about. They have one model that I really like and have the J-frame airweight S&Ws as an option:

It looks very nice, I like how it has the clips on both sides of the gun. Seems like it should lay flat and be concealable, and has alot of options to change cant etc. It's right up my alley, but how well do you think it will do? I am a T-shirt and jeans kind of guy to the extreme LOL, it's basically what I wear every day of the year. Only thing during winter I'll throw on a flannel shirt or coat. Will this holster conceal well and be comfortable with just a T-shirt and jeans? I'm going for max concealability, but also would like it to be comfortable and fix the above mentioned problems.

If this holster isn't what I should be looking for, what are some good IWB options for J-frames that will work with T-shirts and jeans and will be as concealable as possible? I'm 5' 7" and 170 lbs, so I'm not a large person. I just want to carry my gun "more betterer" than before is all.

Thanks so much for your time guys! :D
These grips just aren't that comfortable during firing.

I don't imagine so. They look even less comfortable than the factory boot grip.

You might want to peruse the thread I started after I got my 642: The search for the perfect grip begins again. J-frame "combat" grip. I ended up finding a used copy of what I was looking for. Yah!

across the CrossBreed brand,

Just for a suggestion, you might also want to keep an eye on the listing at

I have no experience with the Crossbreed brand.

If this holster isn't what I should be looking for, what are some good IWB options for J-frames that will work with T-shirts and jeans and will be as concealable as possible?

I carry mine in a Galco Triton, right now.

I'm going for max concealability

pocket carry
Thanks! I'll read the thread you mentioned.

I've tried pocket holster... God knows I've tried... I wanted them to work, but I never found it to be comfortable. I've used Bob Mika pocket holsters and while excellent, I greatly favor having the gun on the hip. It keep the pockets free as I carry so much in them anyway and avoid using my back pockets for carrying stuff to avoid back issues. I'm just getting tired of the Barami grips setup I've got. It's worked "okay" up till now, but I know there's got to be a better way.
I don't have a Crossbreed for my 642, I have a Tommy Thies IWB, it is the same type as the CB. My J frame rides very comfortable.
Have you ever heard of a 'Sticky' holster, or 'Remora'?
Not a crossbreed, but I've never felt comfortable wearing a crossbreed of the leather and Kydex sort of thing. I bought one from a CCW instructor I know for $25 and my more attractive half promptly relieved me of it for her Southpaw and loves it. Just a thought.
I have been very happy with Theis Holsters Hybrid IWB. In fact I have them for three of my guns, and just ordered one that might work for my Charter Arms Bulldog SAO. I say "might" because they do not make one specifically for the Bulldog, but I have read that a holster for a Ruger SP101 will work well. The good thing is that if it doesn't work they will gladly take it back, and refund my money.
Their delivery time has been very good, and with this order they say 2-3 weeks.
I haven't tried that holster no, are they good?

I liked it based on what the instructor of my more attractive half's CCW class that I sat in on, had said and demonstrated. He claimed he could carry an Airweight in nothing but a pair of swim trunks when on the beach with his family. I scoffed and he brought his out to show the class, at which time he offered to order me one for $25 and I accepted. Then like I said as soon as I got it my more attractive half (Tammy) absconded with it preventing me from trying it. She loves it herself.
I use a Kangaroo the majority of the time because I am a boring old fart who dresses pretty much the same all of the time. When I wind up in say shorts and a t-shirt on occasion I will use a Thunderwear holster which works well, but I prefer to carry slightly nearer the 2 o'clock position than it actually allows me to do comfortably. The sticky holster can be positioned anywhere along your waistband with any cant, and stays where you put it with minimal pressure regardless of your attire.
Tammy tends to always look like she is heading to the gym, either in shorts when the temperature allows, or sweat pants when it's colder. Never anything with much structure and this holster sticks to skin or cloth and stays where she puts it regardless of her level of activity.
I was simply thinking that if you like the versatility that the Barami grips allow, a sticky holster might just be the ticket. Here is a link to what the instructor had and ordered for me that now belongs to her.
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