Crossbows legal in Georgia this year.

The Terminator

New member
The title sums it up. It is legal to hunt with a crossbow in Georgia this year. Hallelujah! Its been a long time coming. I guess that my Hoyt XR200, bought for $530.00 last year, may have to sit on the gunrack this year. I notice that they are just as pricey as a good compound bow. I am going to get one, if possible, before deer season this year. Best -
Get a Horton. I bought a used one ten years ago and it still looks and functions like new. Apply Horton rail lube to the rail every time you use it and the string will last longer than it should.
Georgia has some of the strangest game laws in the south.
Crossbows weren't banned here,but they were only legal for disabled people to hunt with.
Just about every state's Wildlife Wunderkind (DNR) has the strange notion that crossbows are the weapon of choice of poachers. Personally, I think they've been watching too many Errol Flynn movies. It's kinda along the same line of logic that say's terrorists prefer bolt action .50 cal single shot rifles or that muggers prefer AR15's. It's idiotic, moronic, and carved in Gubmint stone in about 46 states.
I am very disappointed that GA decided to legalize crossbows. A lot of people have the misconception that crossbows are "super killers". Fact is, a crossbow isn't anymore effective than a good compound bow. Because of its short stroke, a crossbow simply can't push an arrow any faster than a compound bow. This is why crossbows have such insanely high pull weights, up to 175 lbs. The high pull weight is necessary for the crossbow to achieve respectable speeds. I think a lot of people are going to think they can kill deer with a crossbow out to 50 or 75 yards, which is false. The crossbow has the same effective range as a bow, about 40 yards max. Another problem with the cross bow is they are a lot louder than compound bows, which will cause even more deer to jump the string. Unfortunately, i'm afraid GA is going to have a lot more hunters entering the woods this archery season armed with crossbows, and we are going to see a lot more crippled/wounded deer as a result.

On a lighter side, it will be interesting to see how many morons think they can decock a 175 lb crossbow by holding the string with one hand and pulling the trigger with the other. OUCH!!
What you can do with a crossbow is target it, cocked & locked on Mr. Bambi, while he wanders about the laurel for a half hour, looking for acorns
Jason: You don't want them legalized for non-handicapped people because people that haven't been allowed to use them might not be fully familiar with them? Is that what I'm hearing....I mean reading? You don't work for the DNR do you?
Whether it's a gun, bow, crossbow etc, one would hope that people would learn how to use them. Your correct that some won't, but that's hardly a valid reason to ban them.
I say welcome the Xbow. I thought it was cheating until lyme disease ate up my shoulder sockets back in '92. Misdiagnosed until it really got a hold on me. Now William Tell gets as much respect as Robin Hood in my book.
I grew up in Ben Pearson's home town, and got to know him and his family on a more than casual basis. He saw to it that no kid that wanted a bow and arrows would be without them. He would entertain us for hours at church pot-lucks and picnics with films, stories and demonstrations. Even brought Howard Hill around a couple of times. I cut my teeth on those inch and a half, two bladed broadheads. Talk about a purist, I finally got a recurve after everyone fell in love with compounds.
Now I can pull a compound, but not enough to practice like one should to be proficient. Still, nobody would certify me as handicapped, nor most of the other folk with more than touch of authritis. What I have found is that only a little practice is required to attain hunting accuracy with a Xbow. You still have to know distance as well as with any compound. You still have to hunt the same. The Xbow even has drawbacks such as weight, noise, that horizontal profile that is so hard to conceal, and others as mentioned by previous posters.
Xbows will bring more hunters into the woods, and some of them will become dedicated hunters. A bow hunter is much more likely to get really hooked than a fellow who takes his rifle out three times a year. A working guy or gal with kids will be able to Xbow hunt proficiently Saturday morning without spending hours each week practicing technique. Lots of these young guys don't even have backyards to practice in yet, and it is illegal in most cities. Face it, without new blood, our sport of hunting will lose what political support it has.
Any hunting locale that isn't running out of deer would do well to encourage Xbow hunting.
I think Bwana Earl has a good point.

Time to get the Powermaster out and check out the ladder sight... ;)
Drat. And me gone from Georgia for once. I think the reason for the crossbow ban was that they were "unsporting", being easier to use well than a primitive weapon should be...

You'd be amazed at how many bolts a deer could soak up before quietus, but that's a story for another time. Maybe. ;)

Crossbows were only permitted, prior to this year 1) during regular gun season or 2) for the disabled hunter throughout the entire season. Spectre's correct about GA's hunting laws. Long after some neighboring states got over using tags and the general hesitancy of shooting a doe, GA finally, slowly, started to loosen up a bit. But not before we had a blue tongue outbreak in the early 90s.

'Got some imported genes from MI, VA and other states, increased the number of either-sex days and Oila! ... more, healthier whitetail in GA. 'Took a while though. 'Still some hunters just WILL NOT shoot a doe. Go figure.

Hey Spectre, there's an Elk farm down here!
Like every ting else,all are intitled to their opinions ,but crossbow hunting is as big a challange as bow hunting,its time that bow hunters and the gun hunters get together,the newer compound bows are not your grand fathers bows,and niether is the newer crossbows,both are only good for 45 yards or so,the compound crossbow every one is buying are just as hard to tune as their bigger brothers,if you want a simple well built and easy to care for but the Exocect.