Crono A Black Powder Rifle


How far back from the crony should one get to cornograph the bullet from a black powder rifle to avoid the smoke interferring with the reading? Or, is it a problem?
I set up a good 10 - 12 feet and haven't had a problem, even with my 12ga. I've chronographed .32, .36, .45 and .50 also. I have been told that a dark day and overloaded rounds can cause a problem from the powder ejecta which is still burning.

I am gonna try it to determinet the difference between 2 and 3 pyrodex pellets in my .45 cal. I shoot mostly powerbelts and will let you know what I find out with the crono, thanks for the reply.
I've read a few places of people putting a piece of brown paper or cardboard in front of the muzzle to catch the trash.

You might try it.


I've read a few places of people putting a piece of brown paper or cardboard in front of the muzzle to catch the trash.

This is several feet, mind, mebbe 6.

You might try it.

