Crisis of Confidence


New member
Today the 4th of July, my wife, myself and my 20 yr old headed to the Capitol Steps here in nearby DC to witness the concert and the tremendous fireworks display that we have watched so many times before on TV when we lived in other places and had said ... one day we are going to go and be a part of that ourselves... and so it came to be.

Prior to today I had taken in the History Channel's excellent series on the American Revolution, and had been reflecting on what I had learned over the years about our forefathers intentions for this great land, and too; on what a sad state of affairs we have today with all sorts of attacks on the Bill of Rights.

The crowd was staggaring as we drove along the Mall toward the Capitol, and we had been gaily chatting about the reverie of participating in celebrating our Nation's Birthday with all of these people, when I happened to comment on this being our 223rd Birthday and how ironic it was that our Congress is trying to take away the .223, 5.56 x 51mm little black rifle that has been our current symbol of Freedom.... when my Daughter said " I wish one day could go by without"... knowing from her tone that the rest of the sentance was to the effect 'without having to hash this Gun Control stuff over and over' and I cut her off with a glare and a sharp response of " That's just fine ... it'll be you and your kids that live in abject slavery when the Bill of Rights is shreaded after they take away our guns !" She appologized and I went on a short while about our Founding Fathers;
but thats got me to thinking about our delemma.

If my own Daughter doesn't want to speak of the tyranical actions being forced on us by a elitist and media controlled Congress, then what a horrendous task indeed lies before us. We, each must maintain our our constant vigil of unwavering support of the ideals that founded our nation and teach incessantly to our offspring and to all that we come in contact with about the wrongheadedness and downright treason going on in our governments at nearly all levels.

It matters not that we may be perceived as the fool , or the ranting politico gun nuts, what matters is that we keep the issue alive in the minds of the nation so that all of our fellow Americans may become alert to the transgressions of our liberty and join us in their own personal way to fight and win back our Republic....

We have gone too far down the road , and our enemy is too strong to settle for anything remotely resembling the status quo. We must teach our children the correct American history , with all its ugliness and its inspiring, nearly divine purposes as set forth by our Founding Fathers.

So to borrow a phase... " My fellow Americans, ask not what my country may do for me, Ask what can I do for my country...." He gave his life because he intended to turn our nation back toward the Republic it was designed to be, but never got the opportunity to do so.

Each of you must give some measure of your humanity, your material possessions, and perhaps even your blood to win this war.

"united we stand: divided we fall"

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
I agree with you 100%. It is a constant battle we wage and we can never let our guard down lest our children forget where we started from.
Sadly I have even fellow gun gunowners whom, even though they don't voice it I can tell from their expressions, sometimes loss patients with my talk of our rights being eroded.

It makes you wonder if perhaps the children and friends of our forefathers did not tire of hearing their constant talk of escaping the oppression of the British Crown.

Did our forefathers feel the frustration and pain that we feel when faced with such apathy among our fellow Americans?

To describe ourselves as patriots may sound boasterious but in the years to come, win or, God forbid, loss we way be considered as such.

Rage on. It is after all (and I'm serious here) for the children. Even if they can't see it now.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
My paternal grandfather was a Methodist minister, a miller by trade, and sought after by Winchester and Marlin as a demonstration shooter. He was a man of integrity and an avid outdoorsman.

When Pennsylvania first implemented the fishing license, it cost 25 cents. My Grandfather, face livid with rage, announced to his startled congregation, "The state now charges 25 cents to pursue the fish it claims belong to the state. I shall not pay that 25 cents. I shall catch only the fish that God put in His streams."

(This was LONG before the concept of "stocking" streams. Times change, Liberty doesn't.)

My father, at the time, believed 25 cents was very little money, the concept was of little consequence, and there weren't any game wardens around (in those days) who would enforce such a stupid law.

(Jump forward about 75 years or so...)

Here in Texas, you better be able to identify EXACTLY what kind of fish you have caught, when and where it is permissable to catch them, what is the minimum length, etc. etc.

Just another example of the Ordnung inflicted upon us as the density of population and political BS increase.

Firearms, however, are not about hunting. It's about Liberty. We must ensure our children know that. If they do not appreciate that fact now, they will remember and believe as they age and see our government become increasingly intrusive.

Have faith, Menos. Your daughter (and my daughters) will know what to do when the time arises.
I thuoght this was a very good commentary by J.R. Nyquist
I Thought I would share it with you.

A great thing gained its independence 223 years ago. It is a thing that is now systematically betrayed by internationalist dreamers, multinational corporations, and corrupt government officials. I am talking about a nation. And that is what we are -- we Americans. We are a country, a unity, a people. We are the greatest country that the world has ever seen.
But behind this lingering greatness, America's ruling establishment distrusts the very idea of an American nation. Time and again they choose to undermine the nation with multiculturalism, freetrade, open borders, legal and illegal immigration, U.N. treaties and other internationalist errata. Our leaders, both Republican and Democrat, have succumbed to ideologies which pretend to stand above the nation. Whether it is GATT and NAFTA, Albanians in Kosovo, or amnesty for illegal immigrants, the policies of the day are destructive of American sovereignty and independence.
The nation-state, whatever its drawbacks, has been a vehicle for culture, democracy, and freedom. A people that fails to develop its own nation-state is destined for misery, even persecution. That is why independence is so important. That is why the Kosovars, Palestinians, and Kurds -- to name but a few -- struggle so violently for land and statehood. A man without a country, without a homeland, is a man who has lost something vital.
To some extent Americans have taken their nation for granted. President Clinton's famous campaign slogan captures the disorientation of the moment.Its the Economy, Stupid" reflects a perversity -- a latter-day sickness. Somehow America has ceased to be a nation. It is now an economy backed by a military that is slated for reform. To this end the Pentagon is being internationalized and feminized. The patriotic American fighting man is forced to wear a blue helmet. He is no longer the defender of a country, but the defender of commercial and internationalist agendas. Meanwhile, back in the U.S.A., as long as the shopping mall regime continues to produce the good things people want -- at cheap prices -- all is well.
But this is an error, an illusion. Worse yet, it is a blind alley. in large part the country is unaware of the dangerit is courting. Our leaders are generally confused. With a few exceptions, the Republicans attack and destroy the nation for the sake of economic efficiency. The Democrats destroy and attack the nation for the sake of various egalitarian projects. When, by chance, one party proposes something purely nationalistic, the other party opposes that proposition in the name of higher ideals. So the nation is orphaned, lost, set adrift. Even as I write these words, America is shopping itself into disintegration, enjoying an existence predicated on materialistic values -- guided by hedonistic impulses. But as Cicero pointed out more than 2,000 years ago, nations are founded on self-sacrifice, self-control, and self-denial. There never was a great nation founded on material selfishness or pleasure-seeking. In 1776 the men who signed the Declaration of Independence were not acting as businessmen, contrary to the cynicism of our latter-day historians. They were taking a terrible chance. After all, they were defying Great Britain-- the superpower of the 18th century. A little over a decade before, during the Seven Years War,Britain had conquered India and Canada. In her dominance of the world's oceans, in commercial wealth, Great Britain represented a seemingly invincible power. But this did not stop the fathers of our country. The idea of an American nation was foremost in their mind. Career advantage --ever present -- was yet secondary. But today the nation has been lost amid other priorities. These include the environment, world peace, freedom, universal human equality and the New World Order. Strangely, these ideals coincide with emerging material interests, careers, and the bureaucracy's lust for ever-increasing control over human activity. Funny, too, that Third World nationalism is respectable and stylish. It is fashionable to be a nationalist if you are African, Asian, or Latin American. But an American nationalist is someone stupid, dangerous, and out-of-date. The American nationalist is suspected of bigotry, chauvinism,even racism. He is sometimes called a fascist. His exclusivity is the bane of the all-inclusive and the multicultural. If a future civil war breaks out in America, then he is to blame. Many professors, intellectuals, and do-gooders would like to eradicate the United States as a world power. To their shallow minds, world government and internationalism are the Holy Grail. Therefore, day by day, they attack and undermine our nation. They attack the foundations of their own liberty. They refuse to teach patriotism in the schools. They refuse to respect the Founding Fathers. They Balkanize the American Republic, turning our citizenry into a disorganized rabble that can only be governed by totalitarian devices. Today America needs a new Declaration of Independence. America needs leaders who will stand for the nation against the corruptideals of the internationalists. We need leaders who will curb the multinational corporations, who will stop them from selling supercomputers and other sensitive technology to China and Russia. We need a government of self-restraint and self-discipline to replace the scandal-ridden disgrace that currently passes for an administration. We need politicians who will put their lives on the line. In other words, we need patriots.

[This message has been edited by PEA SHOOTER (edited July 05, 1999).]
Many a time I have heard the question, "hat rea we going to do about this gun control bill in congress?"

In reality, maybe just slow it down a bit. It is my firm belief that the next generation will have to *regain* what we have lost - if it is to be done at all. So MENOS, the big question is, "how are we going to educate all of these children - properly - when the schools and media are controlled by the liberals?!"

We must fight in a new way my friends. We must start in the school districts with *CORRECT* history lessons, with correct explanations to our children of what the Constitution stands for so when this next generation is in their late 20's and 30's they will have the knowledge to decide what is correct. Today, as we can plainly see, they do not have that knowledge.

This effort must be "grassroots". It must start in our homes and in our schools. The end is in the Capitol, but me must start in the right place.

How will you get involved?


Im with you almost 100%....but, tell me something. When you used the quote "Ask not what my Country can do for me....." were you referring to JFK? (Or did he swipe it from someone else, and Im just not aware of it? Sometimes Im kind of dense :) )

If you were, please dont put him in the same status as The Founding Fathers...he belongs in the same statist category as Lincoln.

Kennedy was the force behind a cute little document called "Freedom From War, The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World" (Dept of State publication 7277). The document creates a plan to surrender US sovereignty to the UN, and turns America's Armed Forces into part of a World Army, under UN control.

If you werent talking about him, then disregard, flame is intended in either case.

:) :) :) :)

!@#$ typos....

[This message has been edited by Grenadier2 (edited July 05, 1999).]
Gentlemen: Thank you all for your supporting words and comments......
and specifically to Grenadier2.... Yes I was speaking of JFK, and yes he did sign that bill, but under duress that he later regretted , and was working on several radical liberating pro republic actions.... He was going to buy back the Federal Reserve and recreate a goverment central bank, he was going to tell the American People how they were being sold out, and his fiscal and tax policies were ultra conservative in today's standards..... I thought he was bad too , until I studied it further..... there is lots of supporting info here on the net.

You have to remember that the Kennedy's were outsiders from the Rockefellers and their CFR buddies ! There are many things that even the top leaders in the country don't know about the power behind the government..... Only revolution will ever get this country back to what it is supposed to be.... hopefully a social revolution, but that is probably just a fond dream that I keep trying to have.

Anyone insterested in a set of 'primers' on the state of America, please Email me and I'll return a set of book titles that will sum it up in a nutshell.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?

You don't have an e-mail visible ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"