Crisis assessment

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At times I am requested to respond to hospital emergency rooms to conduct crisis assessments/evaluations on individuals who may or may not be a danger to themselves or others.

On the topic of firearms, there are a lot of reasons why a person may desire to carry a weapon with them at all times. This may include while they are at home, even to the point of keeping one under their pillow or otherwise in their bed/pajamas, etc.

Sometimes their reasons are just plain damn good reasoning.

Other times it can be indicative of a very serious mental health condition.

Please forgive my occasional sense of humor as it may relate to my input on potentially serious topics. No offense intended but I'm not here to provide public service announcements.
I think some may take it to the extremes of paranoia, but others may just see it as being prepared. I put my gun on when I get dressed and it stays on me until I take unload everything (wallet, keys, knife, and flashlight). I do live in a good area that is in a gated community, but there was a home invasion in the neighboring community. I don't really think of my gun even though I am aware it is there. I don't feel scared or concerned that something may happen to me. I just choose to be prepared in case something does happen. I have two young daughters and a wife who I am responsible for protecting. If something crazy were to go down, I am not just looking out for my own safety. I cannot simply scoop them up and run (I'd be a bigger and slower target even if I tried). I am also getting older and am not as physically able to defend myself bare handed. I wish I had time to work out and continue training in martial arts, but life gets in the way. My gun is my insurance policy. I hope I never have to use it, but I plan to keep it in case I ever need it. Am I paranoid? LOL
Some people are delusional. They are always obsessing about what might happen. Like if you go fishing and don't have a 454 strapped to your hip instead of a light compact 357 mag you won't stand a chance when the 500 pound grizzly pounces on you as you walk along the trail in condition white. These same people will tell you how a 9mm can't possibly offer enough penetration to kill a bear even if it has been done with a 22 short:rolleyes: I don't know how humans ever survived in a world with bears before guns were invented:)

While we should not walk around the forest smelling like pork and beans painted in a thick film of honey, we can't live our lives expecting that anything we do will make us immune to harm.

If I was in bear country, I would probably want something with more oomph than a 9mm. I'd probably want a 10mm at a minimum and a good can of bear spray. Then again, we don't have bears where I am at so I am probably more scared of them than those who are used to them.
Feeling unsafe, regardless of the opinion of others, is a legitimate reason to desire to be armed. In the US, it isn't anyone's business or right to tell you not to do so or that you are a mental case because you feel the way you do. It is our god dang constitutional right!
When I started carrying I decided that instead of doing a threat assessment every time I walked out my front door I was going to make my default position being armed.

I also decided that it made better sense for me to just put my gun on when I got dressed than to stop and put it on before leaving home.
I am armed the instant I walk out of the door. Actually, I never walk out of the door, we drive out of the garage. The closest store is half a mile away. The big box stores, Cosco etc. are a few miles away.
My Glock Gen 4 is in perfect condition, I shoot it well, and it is to be used if required.
I have pointed pistols at various individuals over the years, not had to shoot anyone yet. Diswaded two young hood rats who followed my wife around Publix, from continuing that exercise, by having been warned by my wife's cell phone call. And I leaning against a marked Security vehicle as she came out.
The Glock ball cap might have been a clue? I was amazed they could run so well with half their bums hanging out of their pants.

If one of them had produced a weapon, at 7 yards, I would have done what I have practised hundreds of times, 2 double taps! Having to defend two 9mm 147g federal HST 2 or 3 inches apart? Center chest? Getting too excited (at the time I was 82 YOA was not likely) would have been a nightmare!

Spending 5 years as a bouncer in Liverpool England, a rough Sea Port, 4 years at the Cavern Club of Beatles fame, and a year at the Blue Angel, a night club on Seal Street. Inoculated me against getting to excited!
But if the box turtle outside tells me to be armed because the neighbors dog is out to kill me...............asking for a friend. :) :p
On the topic of firearms, there are a lot of reasons why a person may desire to carry a weapon with them at all times. This may include while they are at home, even to the point of keeping one under their pillow or otherwise in their bed/pajamas, etc.

I disagree. The inclination to carry or own a weapon is generally very basic in construction and commonly motivated by only a few things. There are core reasons and there is superficial fluff. How a person may justify the reasoning can get quite fluffy but THE CORE REASON is often quite simple. The Fluff doesnt really matter except to perhaps those people who see the exterior wrapping of a present as being more important that the present itself.

Sometimes their reasons are just plain damn good reasoning. Other times it can be indicative of a very serious mental health condition.

This can be said for just about any explanation about anything. So what is the point here?
Dissuaded two young hood rats who followed my wife around Publix, from continuing that exercise, by having been warned by my wife's cell phone call. And I leaning against a marked Security vehicle as she came out.The Glock ball cap might have been a clue?

I really don't understand this. If thugs don't care about the cops what makes you think your "Marked Security Vehicle" is going to intimidate them?
Me standing behind that vehicle was the deciding factor, not some painted logos. And the fact that my wife walked by me! The dynamics of one with eyes fixed on the mark, but his partner was scanning, and spotted me!
These two were tunned into the dynamics of threats and danger, that's how they make an illegal living. The most important person in my life, my wife, was clearly under threat, to me! If that threat appeared to be real, they both would have been shot! No doubt in my mind.
Me standing behind that vehicle was the deciding factor, not some painted logos. And the fact that my wife walked by me! The dynamics of one with eyes fixed on the mark, but his partner was scanning, and spotted me!
These two were tunned into the dynamics of threats and danger, that's how they make an illegal living. The most important person in my life, my wife, was clearly under threat, to me! If that threat appeared to be real, they both would have been shot! No doubt in my mind.
I guess I still don't understand, if you were the deciding factor why emphasize the marked security vehicle? I'm also curious did you actually display your firearm? And if so what specific action did these "thugs" take that would have caused any reasonable person to assume that deadly force was justified?
Me standing behind that vehicle was the deciding factor, not some painted logos.

I think you are assuming a lot based on very little. You dont know what these guys were doing or if they were even following your wife with ill intent. If they actually ran away, I seriously doubt it was because they saw a guy leaning on a security vehicle wearing a glock hat. That is more of television theatrics and would be very uncharacteristic of predatory criminals.

These two were tunned into the dynamics of threats and danger, that's how they make an illegal living.

That is quite dramatic

everything can begin to look nefarious if you are using that filter. Perhaps they were up to no go and perhaps not. Supposition is not often a good platform to make hard a fast decisions from. If you want to say that they were acting suspicious, that might be fair but to paint this picture and get all into their heads over "tuned" googlie eyes.. might be a little premature.
My take on Brit's narrative, was that his presence / awareness and the Glock hat were the deciding factors that caused the bad guys to run away as fast as their baggy pants would allow and not the Mall / private Security vehicle he drives. Predators prefer victims who are unaware they are about to be attacked. Brit was ready. At least, that's how I read it.

I may have to get me one of those hats! ;)

Of course, I'm still not sure exactly what threat they posed or action they took that was threatening. Its possible they were just walking behind her without any ill intent. We were not there, so we have to trust Brit's perception pertaining to their intent, vibes, etc. His wife DID call or text him prior to leaving the store, so obviously SHE did feel threatened, which would have obviously put him on alert. I would have been ready to greet her in the parking lot as well if my wife called me and was scared. Who wouldn't be ready to protect their spouse, whether her fear was real or imagined?

I go to Florida often myself and in Brit's defense... you have to be on high alert down there... it's a crazy place and certain areas are not safe, especially for the elderly. :D
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I’m still trying to figure out what the topic of discussion is here. I guess that there are reasons to be armed, but some people are also mentally ill? Okay.

As for nefarious people being scared off by the presence of someone else, sure it’s possible. It’s also possible to imagine something that isn’t there. Confirmation bias is a thing.

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I agree, I have no idea what the subject of this thread actually is. Its more of stray ramblings but its Christmas and I would rather be doing this than being in the kitchen listening to everyone talking about politics.

My take on Brit's narrative, was that his presence / awareness and the Glock hat were the deciding factors that caused the bad guys to run away as fast as their baggy pants would allow and not the Mall / private Security vehicle he drives.

Based only anything that we could likely call "evidence", I am not inclined to believe that any of it happened for the reasons specified or that any of it was a prelude to criminal activity. Could it? Sure. Its suspicious, but thats about it. I would not be very confident in predicting what they were doing, for what reason, what they thought or how they make a living.
"On the topic of firearms, there are a lot of reasons why a person may desire to carry a weapon with them at all times. This may include while they are at home, even to the point of keeping one under their pillow or otherwise in their bed/pajamas, etc. "(ZOO)

My take on the OP's statement was WHY people carry, perceptions, etc. Brit gave a detailed example of why he carried and an occasion it gave him comfort.

I just wanna get one of those Glock hats! ;)

Pertaining to the OP, I carry on duty, off duty and keep one under my pillow. Probably will until I'm wearing a diaper, in a wheelchair and in a long term care facility. At that point I'll be forced to switch to unarmed tactics to defend myself, if I even still know what's going on... :D. Pretty sure I'm not alone in this philosophy.
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My take on Brit's narrative, was that his presence / awareness and the Glock hat were the deciding factors that caused the bad guys to run away as fast as their baggy pants would allow and not the Mall / private Security vehicle he drives. Predators prefer victims who are unaware they are about to be attacked. Brit was ready. At least, that's how I read it.

My question arises from my experience as a security guard. Based on Brit's profile I'm significantly younger than him. I'm going to assume just based on age I'm in better shape and (again assuming) probably more intimidating. I wear external body armor at work and I'm armed. True story bro, I look like Robocop.

I've approached people who were tresspassing on private property that I was assigned to guard to ask them to leave more than once and been told "*&^% you! You're a &^%$$ Mall Cop! You can't tell me what to do!!!" usually followed by "What are you going to do &^^%$, shoot me?". I usually hear that right up to the time they hear "You have reached the Colorado Springs Police, Fire and Emergency Rescue switchboard....." On my speaker phone then they leave.

Based on that I'm somewhat dubious that two cherubic, little, street urchins took one look at a senior citizen in a Glock hat and ran away in mortal terror.

I'm also curious because in one of these posts it sounded like he threw down on our little angels before they ran away.

Shur Shot said:
.Of course, I'm still not sure exactly what threat they posed or action they took that was threatening. Its possible they were just walking behind her without any ill intent. We were not there, so we have to trust Brit's perception pertaining to their intent, vibes, etc. His wife DID call or text him prior to leaving the store, so obviously SHE did feel threatened, which would have obviously put him on alert. I would have been ready to greet her in the parking lot as well if my wife called me and was scared. Who wouldn't be ready to protect their spouse, whether her fear was real or imagined?

When I go shopping with my wife I'm in the store with her.
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