Crimson Trace Laser Grips for the LCR


New member
Guys think twice before you go and spend the money (and quite a bit of it) on these grips for the Ruger LCR. The wife and I just got back from the range. The new nickname for her Ruger is A@$ KICKER!! It was all we could do to put 50 rounds down the pipe, 25 for her and 25 for me. The rounds were nothing but Remington 130gr FMJ. With the LRN rounds its still stiff but running 50 rounds of those is not bad. The Crimson Trace grips on an LCR just makes the pistol PUNISH the web of your hand. Call me a wuss or whatever but the thing hurts. That gun with the factory grips is a sweet shooter. I realize its not a range gun, but practice she must. SO they will be coming off in search of another laser that she can use the factory Hogue grip with. YMMV but in my opinion save your money.
A friend of mine has the laser max on his, good to know about the ct grips, I have masters on a 1911, and a set on a smith revolver both are really nice...
I don't have to think twice about putting them, or any other laser on my CCW guns. OK for training to see if you move. Helpful to learn instinct shooting while dry firing. But I will never trust my life to circuits and batteries!
Each to his own. And while I agree with you about a Laser on MY gun. This is on my wifes CCW, she shoots at the range without the laser. But late at night in a dark parking garage ( or anywhere else with low visability for that matter) I want her to have it if she needs it. And I will make it a point to give her every advantage possible.
I like my CT grips on my Taurus M905 Ti. It is 45C and I use silver tips. I like them and they are comfortable. Everyone has different hand sizes and strengths.
You are a good man for taking care of your wife.
I have the CT grips on my 357 LCR. Though I only pratice with 38spl cowboy loads I like the laser on a 2" snubby if I ever have to use it. I too am a wuss so it is loaded with Hornady Pink tips reduced recoil loads for SD.
I've mentioned this many times but I fired an LCR with factory grips and 158 grain .357 ammo (not Buffalo Bore or anything hot...just regular .357 158 grain rounds) and I just won't do it again.

More power to your wife if she can do it but I won't. I did try some 125 grain .357 and I would shoot those but not many at one time-probably not a box of 50 rounds but half a box.

Thanks for the info about the Crimson Trace grips being worse, recoil wise, than the factory grips.
Now the wife loves the butt kicker. We were talking about it when we left the range and I offered to get her the LCR in 22mag for the reduced recoil. Without missing a beat she said "since you are complaining about the pain in your hand maybe YOU need to pick you up a 22mag" LOL This is the same woman that stood beside me at the CCW class, her with that LCR me with my model 36 and out shot me in front of all my buddies hahaha I'll take it though.
LTS for snubby

I have a CLS on my 2" snubby. I'll only use 125 grain 357's, not 158 's also. Since it isn't used for target plinking I can take the grips. But you're right, they are tough on the hands.