crimson trace grips


New member
any lefties out there with crimson trace grips on there jframe? i was looking into getting some but it looked like the laser might get in the way of a lefty. from looking at a pic it seems the thumb would have to ride on top of the laser. this would cause my finger to get rocked by the cylinder guard thing and that stings. lefties?
I've found no problems with CT J-frame lasergrips firing left-handed, with either the LG205 or LG305 models.
I'm right-handed and have only had the CTs for a short time. I agree that the laser lense seems to have better placement for a leftie. Hopefully I'll overcome the problem.


I have Crimson Trace Grips on my S/W J-Frame (model 638) and it's no problem for me being left-handed. Works great. I recommend the Crimson Trace product without reservation. :)