Criminals Should Vote -- It Rehabilitates Them!


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Dear friends,

This is but a very small example of why I am a fan of the Claremont Institute ( and its President Larry Arnn. I commend this website to you for an occasional visit. Links can be found at the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

Read on:

Franchise for Felons?

By Larry P. Arnn

Over the past decade, the consensus that has formed around the conservative position on crime, made famous by Ronald Reagan and Ed Meese, and put into practical effect by such as Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in New York, has transformed crime statistics in America. America is safer again, and liberal softness on crime is in retreat.

In retreat, but not banished. Just when liberalism has learned its tricks from sleight of hand, it fumbles the cards. The latest: let the felons, and indeed the inmates, vote! Why? For rehabilitation!

This fabulous proposal comes from out of the void that is liberal ideology, and, wonder of wonders, some states are taking it up. The problem seems lost upon the authors of this prodigy that we lock criminals up because they cannot run their own lives. Nevertheless, let them run ours.

This would be silly were it not dangerous. It exemplifies the divide that runs right through politics today, and it belies the talk of consensus that emanates from Washington. There is a common sense position on crime, which holds that the government's work is justice, and justice requires punishment for violence and predation upon others.

This is easy to see, and it has been easy to see from the beginning. Of course those smart people who built our country knew all about this, and Reagan and Meese and Giuliani are only following them. On this issue, they are conservatives in that highest sense, conservers of the fruits of a great revolution for the rights of all.
I see nothing wrong with this proposal,... as long as they get their voting machines from the great state of Louisiana! ;)
Folks, there are actually people who believe this is a good idea! The end is just around the corner. No doubt about it.
"Department of Corrections Official Ballot"

Please select one of the following for each position:

For the position of breakfast:

 1.) Cornbread

 2.) Water

For the position of lunch:

 1.) Cornbread

 2.) Water

For the position of dinner:

 1.) Cornbread

 2.) Water

For the position of activities

 1.) Gang rape

 2.) Scheduled beatings