Criminals don't need gunshow loophole

I hope we all realize that gun control is not meant to control crime... it's only purpose is to control the law abiding American citizen. Many in government just doesn't want you to have arms.

Criminals do not follow laws.
We teach and teach again - don't cross the line, inmates will give you up 100% of the time! I have had to walk employees of the facility, open investigations, etc, due to employee misconduct. One unit in my complaex had 14, yes 14 female staff members walked out for being compromised by inmates. Fortunately, none of them facilitated an escape, but that would have been next!
All contraband comes in through either visitors, vendors, or compromised staff. They make those of us who take our jobs seriously, who actually believe we are doing our part to keep the general public safe, absolutely sick at heart.
Nobody sees the good corrections staff do, because when we do our job right, we are out of sight, out of mind. it's only foul ups that make the news, or deluded idiots like this girl. If you can find it, read a story called "Downing of the Duck".