Crescent Firearms Co.

Desert Dog

New member
I have an old shotgun that used to belong to my Grandfather, and it was made by Crescent Arms. I have researched a lot and there appears to be a lot of different guns made by Crescent for hardware and specialty stores. The only other thing I can find is when they were bought by Stevens or Savage, I can't remember which. Is there anymore info on this company?

Oh and by the way, the shotgun I own is a very crude implement. I am using it for gunsmith projects.

.45 Super... Fat and FAST...

"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority" - Thomas Jefferson
Desert Dog:
This is all that I have on the Crescent Arms Co.


This Company mfg’d good quality, inexpensive side by side and single Bbl shotguns and was founded in 1883. They were bought by the H&D Folsom Arms Company of New York, importers and distributors of firearms and sporting goods.

After the purchase of Crescent, the Folsom Company was able to offer a complete range of shotguns, imported English French, Belgium and American made Crescents. By the turn of the century Crescent Arms produced huge quantities of “Hardware Guns” it produced guns under direct contract to distributors, mail order housed and hardware distributors with any brand name the customer requested. Crescent also produced guns for its parent company, as Folsom house brands that were sold to customers that did not want their own brand name.

By the lat 1890's Crescent was producing basically five grade of dbl bbl shotguns offering a model for most tastes. The Crescent /Folsom Arms Company continued this type of business until 1930 when it merged with Davis Warner Arms Corp and became the Crescent-Davis Arms Corp. In 1932 it assets and machinery were bought by Stevens Arms Company, a victim of changing tastes and the depression

Thank you Mr. Nolden, that is the same info I have been able to find on Crescent.

I thank you for your time...

.45 Super... Fat and FAST...

"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority" - Thomas Jefferson