

I was walking the dog (Golden Retreiver, about 70lbs) with my girlfriend2 nights ago and was bothered by this situation...

We were about 3/4 the way done with our walk and i heard 2 bicycles coming up behind us slowly. I could hear the freewheels clicking for quite a while, maybe 15 seconds.

It was 2 guys on inexpensive mountain bikes, around age 30. Both bikes still had the cardboard insert in their front wheels, indicating they had just come from the store.

One guy had a cane across the handlebars and both had a couple of shopping bags hanging from the bars.

They asked directions to the nearest major artery street (Shea).

I found it very strange that they had just picked up bikes from Walmart or Target or wherever, didn't have a vehicle to put them in to get back where they were going, and didn't know the neighborhood well enough to find Shea, which is a pretty big street.

I pointed out Shea, 1/4 mile down the street where the big intersection was, with the glowing stoplights and cars running thru.

They looked at each other, looked at our dog, and looked at me, and continued riding down the street towards Shea.

I won't walk the dog again without a gun.
Asking directions, ciggs, etc.. is the way that some muggers will size up their prey and get a jump on them when their attention is turned to doing so.

I trust my gut. If it doesn't feel right then I either remove myself or go into high guard.

I don't walk at night without my gun, permit or not.

I have to admit I was creeped out the other day after stopping into a local deli for lunch. I take my lunch late, after 1:00 pm to avoid the huge lines, so after buying a sandwich I walked back through an empty parking lot to my car. Out of nowhere a bicycle comes whizzing up to me and a strung out looking dude asks me for a quarter. That struck me as odd and he was no kid, about 23 or 24 I'd say, and can he be that hard up a quarter would make his day? I got such a bad vibe I thought for sure he wanted me to go for my money so he could see where I keep it and rob me. I told him I had no change on me and opened my car door quickly to put it between him and I. He gave me a dumb look and sped off. Ironically I had a check for $9000 in my pocket that I was taking to the bank after lunch to pick up the cash for one of the business owners. Weird huh? that added to my apprehension I'm sure and I don't usually transfer money like that, all I had for protection my my brain.
Funny, I would have been wierded out by two 30 year old guys on bikes. I would be less wierded out if the person on the bike was 1) a kid or a teen too young to drive 2) a person obviously riding a bike for exercise (there is nothing more funny then seeing a fat person riding a bike dressed like Lance Armstrong, but hey you got to start somewhere) 3) a person riding a bike with purpose (going to and from work or school). Most adults don't go "wandering" around on foot or on a bike and get lost, especially if you don't live in an urban area where a lot of people might find it easier to travel by bike than by car (hard time to find or expensive parking). I can see a lone 30 year old guy on a bike, maybe down on his luck, or having car trouble, riding a bike and getting lost, but two 30 year old guys with no car??? Be careful they may be casing your neighborhood.
I think a lot of the strange to biking 30 somethings may be DWI's that lost or have suspended licenses. There are a few in the town I work in that revealed this gem about themselves, glad I don't live where I work. ;)

Until I get my "all the time" CCW gun, I won't walk the dog without my sp101 .357. It's a bit heavy and cumbersome and bulgey at the cylinder, but it's strong medicine.

Probably January when I get the Walther PPK .380 I want, still considering a Kahr or Skyy or Keltec, but leaning heavily to the Walther.
LOL that is funny DWI!

My wife and I ride for excercise and fun with a group and we need a jersey made for the crowd that says something stupid like that. I thought about a bulleye on the back or a photo of a gun (drivers you love to hate and would like to influence away from you). DWI just came into consideration.. she just doesn't like my ideas.
everytime i walk my dog (20 lb'er-non-threatening) unarmed, someone rides by slowly and sizes me up. usually young punks with loud bass, but i am always outnumbered. it just makes me feel beter to know that as i am older now, my physical strengths are eroding somewhat, i can go legally armed. i at this point wouldn't consider going out unarmed. get a j-frame and you'll need no excuses
They were probably tweekers.
There are a lot of them out here in the Phoenix area.
They can't afford a car, so they ride bikes most have backpacks
too. That's where they store their tools, stolen items and clothes.
I don't walk at night without my gun, permit or not.

I'm considering this...

I don't want to get in trouble for concealing, but then again it's only a misdemeanor (if caught).

I can wear in a visible holster on hip, but I have a very talkative, open neighborhood where lots of folks talk to each other in the evening. I don't want to do anything to hurt that atmosphere, and I think that a guy who packs big heat on his hip every night at 8pm would do that. It's genuinely a good place to live and have met some neat neighbors on my walks.

The CCW is coming. I just have to free up a couple of weekends to take the class, then wait 4-6 weeks for the paper to come in the mail.

But, to my way of thinking, the 2nd ammendment is an affirmation of God granted rights, not a declaration by government that they give me these rights.
That's what we have out here, tweakers and alot of them and yes, they all go around on bikes (given to them for free by the county because even tweakers need to get around :rolleyes: ).

And the numbers are growing daily. The one that I ordered off my property a couple of months ago was next door working and he looked like a normal, cleaned up, person; alot different then when I chased him off and he was tweaking.

But, as soon as he got some money (later that day, he was working for the folks doing clean up) he left and about 2 hours came back looking like he rolled in dirt, hair everywhere, etc.. acting really crazy.

With meth (that is what he was on), they can be "normal" one hour and tweaking crazy the next.


I have a permit but even if I didn't I would carry. The meth, transient (who are on meth) and the crime rate is climbing in Eugene (due to Eugene/Lane won't charge some crimes, like theft) it would be foolish not to do so. Also, I'm getting to the point where I really don't care what the government(s) say anymore (sorry, side rant that I won't get into).

azredhawk44 said:
But, to my way of thinking, the 2nd ammendment is an affirmation of God granted rights, not a declaration by government that they give me these rights.
That's my view as well. I am also working on a CHL, because I have no particular desire to get in trouble with the law just for using a firearm to defend myself. Until then, however, these CCW laws will not dictate my actions. The Constitution was written in plain English, as simply and as directly as possible. I don't see anywhere that it cites "the privilege to keep and bear arms," no, it clearly refers to "the RIGHT" to do so. I want to be in full compliance, but that's simply for my own comfort that I am adhering to the contemporary letter of the law. The spirit of the law, however, is timeless, and that is what sits there, in my conscience.