Credit card spam anyone?

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There have been several incidents of company employess changing names of customers to deragotory phrases....after they got mad at them

The customer got the last laugh as the employee wasnt smart enough to figure out the changes could traced to her logon id........

they got a pink slip. :D
"The operators always said, 'Yes, Mr. Palestinian Bomber, how can we help you?' "
A huge amount of customer service is sent to India, to an Indian, that might sound like a reasonable American name.
Actually, this may be a prank played on him by a neighbor or somebody else he knows.
All somebody has to do is fill out one of those requests for info that fall out of magazines by the dozen and put whatever name and address they want on it. Then viola, solicitations start coming to that address with that name.
The really bad part is that once it's started it's impossible to stop and it starts snowballing as each company sells the info over and over.

Example: I had a coworker once that hated the boss so much he could barely function under him. So he went online and started hitting porn sights and putting the bosses name and company address into forms. Within a month the business was getting bombarded with porn addressed to the boss.
Thats a good way to get back at someone, but you need to have their info so it wouldnt work for those a**holes on the road.
Could be a Chase employee, could be a friend or enemy of Mr. Habbas.

However, it is an operations, HR, and customers relations issue for JP Morgan Chase; it is not much of a legal or political issue.
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