Crap! No H&K P7M8s for California!


New member
I just spoke with someone at Heckler & Koch, to specifically inquire about submitting the P7M8 for California testing, so that it can be sold in that state. The person said that upper management at Heckler & Koch decided not to submit the P7M8. That's a major bummer for me, and probably others in California who had the P7 on their wish list.
I saw your Governor on TV the other day, and he looks like a real weenie, is he gay or something? My wife has more testosterone in her blood than he does..

California is controlled by morons. The only thing nice about the State is the weather and the scenery.


Gun Control..



Tattooed Ex-Cons everywhere..



High Taxes...

Too bad Adobe doesn't have a big office in Arizona.
You mean I can't drool over them anymore at my local dealer?!:(

You mean the USP is the only way to experience an HK now?! I guess us peasants in CA aren't good enough for perfection. IMO, the USP is ok but HK's excellent rep would never have been built around something like the USP.
I seen this coming and after pondering over
buying one for along time, my wife convinced
me to buy 2 of them. We got a his and hers
P7M8 in Dec 2000.
I spent a total of $2000.00 for 2 P7's, and
10 mags, not a bad price and they were new
not refurbs.
I could still probably get my money out of
them if I had to but, they shoot really sweet,
and are very accurate.
You can still buy the P7 in Hellifornia if
you buy from a private party and both the
buyer and seller are present during the
There is still hope until they modify the
stupid commie-liberal--granola eating--
tree hugging law...
Did I mention that Kommiefornia sucks....