crackdown on border state firearm sales

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OK, so is this just? If not, does it make sense and/or are there pro-gun TFL members who have no problem with this for the "greater good"? The article is interesting to say the least, and the NRA has obviously made their stance on the issue a priority. I personally don't like how some people are trashing the NRA over their lawsuit. I would like people's opinions on this issue...
I believe that this is another step to "National Registration", a violation of the law. But the 1968 GCA was modeled after the 1930's German law by the late Senator Dood (D CT). A ill conceived idea and a prelude to total control decades later.

Given the interest in stemming the flow of arms to Mexico and cracking down on straw buyers I would not be worried EXCEPT that this is the same group stonewalling Congress and being caught in lie after lie connected with Fast and Furious / Gunrunner.

I think before they even give the indication of looking at leg sales they need to get their own house in order first. I do not trust them now and there is no evidence suggesting I should.
Interesting read and one step closer to national confiscation.
Another thing, before reading several articles on this subject I didn’t realize that they report people who buy more than two handguns in 5 days to the ATF. Though it is not clairified if that is just in these states, or nationally.
I guess I better wait 6 days between handgun purchases to be on the safe side unless I want to end up on "the list".
This action is being justified by the gunrunner fiasco and the bogus claim that smuggled fire arms from the US are the major source of guns in Mexico.

It will be expanded to other portions of the country until it becomes a national policy.
You have to admire the sheer chutzpah. BATFE lawlessness is being used to rationalize/bootstrap FURTHER BATFE lawlessness. What brass ones!
There is a discussion of this issue - and its lack of Congressional authorization as required by law, in this thread:

On another interesting note, I notice that the CNN article reports that the multiple sales requirement for long guns was proposed on December 17, 2010 - or exactly two days after the Washington Post ran a story naming which gun shops had the most guns traced to them from Mexico. In a particularly interesting note, the Post doesn't say how it obtained that information, which could only come from the ATF. However, the Tiarht Amendment prevents the ATF from legally sharing that information with the Washington Post. So either the Post obtained the info illegally from the ATF or the ATF illegally leaked the info to the Post.

Not suprisingly, the gun shops being used by ATF for Fast and Furious were number 1 and number 2 on that list. And several Houston-area gun stores being used by ATF were also on the list (Carter's Country). So at the same time ATF was directing these FFLs to sell semi-automatic rifles to known straw purchasers, they were also illegally leaking the names of these FFLs to the Washington Post as sources of crime guns.

And then two days after the Washington Post does their story, they release this proposed regulation. :eek:

How thoughtful of CNN to release that timeline in support of the idea that "the proposal predates disclousre of Fast and Furious."
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