
You are so right it is addicting LOL, Aim small hit small. RAMbo.
Sounds like fun. I am a little envious as I live in eastern VA, so no coyotes for me. Any more pics? The one on top of the vehicle looks as big as a wolf.
Nice Shot. I've always wanted to try Coyote hunting, but there aren't enough in the (greater) Metro DC area.

I shot one 2 weeks ago in the neighbors field (450 yds.) with my 25-06. I don't actively hunt them, but any seen within rifle range of my house gets shot (at).
I'm live in NH and there is many coyotes out here, these two coyotes where shot at two different stand locations in the same day, following my scent drag heads down during deer season last year, following the scent of a doe in heat, yes one of those coyotes was as big as a house dog, both males. My friend tagged out on a nice moose in the area this year, I was hunting a few days later in the same area at 07:00 am, I was at my stand bow hunting and I could hear the coyotes fighting over the gut pile, they where very loud, A huge coyote crossed my path that morning, but I was geared with a bow and he was about 50 yards away moving fast, I did endup drawing my Mark2, but not quick enough to get a good shot, I checked out the gut pile later on and there was only the stomach left, they ate it all. Aim small hit small. RAMbo.
MP-44, work your way westward and you'll find opportunity. Try to find somebody raising sheep, if such goes on in Virginia. :)

Sounds like fun. I am a little envious as I live in eastern VA, so no coyotes for me. Any more pics? The one on top of the vehicle looks as big as a wolf.

I'm in Chesterfield, VA just south of Richmond. One of my co-workers who lives in New Kent County, between Richmond and Williamsburg, killed two on his property last year.
mp-44, p8riot is right on there. just wait a little bit, they'll be further east soon enough. i'm originally from west point, and i've heard of people seeing them up the county in king william, over in new kent and in charles city. a friend of mine has a sheep farm in harrisonberg, and he says that he'll shoot 3 one day, and the next day 3 more are back. just give it some more time, and you'll be able to shoot them to your hearts content.
I am in the westen part of Jamescity Co, about 10 min. from the New Kent border. I heard a rumor that someone killed one in a field about 5 mi. away but thought it was a joke. Maybe I will pull that coyote call out the closet that my wife Grandfather sent me a few months ago.:)
Coyotes are in Florida too!!!!

I live in Polk County, FL. A few months ago I was shooting on a friend's property and saw a coyote in the Orange grove across his property. He told me to shoot it as they were attacking the local cattle in his area. I first pulled out my Ruger SuperBlackhawk in .44Mag with Leupold 2x EER scope. Since I've never hunted before and I wanted to insure a hit, I put away the .44 and pulled out my Bushmaster AR15 with M193 ammo out (a2 sights with no scope).

Lined up on him 3/4 away at probably 75 yards and looking at me over his shoulder.......steadied up against the back of the truck and squeezed one into his vitals. It hit him with a thud and he spun up and 270 degrees and ran. At the same time a second, previously unseen Pitch Black coyote jumped up and ran the other way......we never saw that one again, so we tracked the hit one down (only 4-5 rows away, less than 30 yards total after hit). I had shot him on the left side centered vertically and it went in just behind his front leg, then exited directly through his right upper arm/shoulder. They (father-in-law and the property owner) said that it was a perfectly placed shot, and probably went thru all the vitals. I'll say I was impressed with the stopping power of regular old M193 FMJ that day (other than the small exit wound thru right arm with only a permenant hole of probably 3/4" (.75").

It was fun, guess I'll have to take my Father-in-law up on going hunting in Wyoming next year ( I couldn't afford it this year).

P.S. Don't worry I won't be using the AR15 in Wyoming.......something bigger, probably .270 WIN
Always reminds me of the guy I knew in high school who was out deer hunting, saw one, said "Hey, a coyote" and nailed it, only to be confronted by a very large, p--d off individual yelling "YOU SHOT MY DOG YOU STUPID SOB!" Couldn't take back the .308 bullet no matter how bad he felt. Be careful.
I have an ongoing mild argument with Wiley over who gets to eat the quail. :) I like to hear'em yodel, but I sorta control the size of the choir...

A friend of mine down on the creek got fed up with too much singing and yodeling. They come up and tease his dogs and a neighbor's dogs, which leads to an infernal racket late at night. Some folks just don't like their sleep to be interrupted. :)

So, they've taken to putting out a bit of dog food along with table scraps just over the wall of the yard. No more howling, but regular visitors at all hours of the day. If there's no food out, one coyote will rear up with his front paws on the wall as if to complain, "Well? Where's my num-nums?"

Put some red cellophane over a brake-light bulb and hook it to a battery. Hang the light above some dog food or bread with sardine oil, or a rag with bacon grease, and sit and wait. :)

Kill them Often ...

Kill as many as you can ...

Kill them, just keep on killing them !

They will destroy your game population !

And they do a good job on cats left out at night !!!

Kitty snacks !
Seeing more and more coyotes here in central NY. In past seasons, I saw one, maybe two during the entire archery-gun-muzzle-loading deer season. This year I've seen four already. Had my first shot at one the other day. If I may say it, a "perfect miss." I was 20' up in a treestand when a coyote came straight for me. He stopped 20 yards out, with his front paws up on a fallen log. When he looked back over his right shoulder, I was able to draw and shoot ...

... but in my excitement ("coyote" as opposed to "buck" fever?), I used the 10 rather than 20 yard site pin. :rolleyes: The broadhead cleared the log just under his chest, went between his front and then his hind legs, and stuck in the ground. He skittered off to one side, circled around trying to figure out what had happened, then took off again at an easy lope. Didn't look spooked at all. When I examined the arrow, it was totally clean ... except for one white hair that was caught between the shaft and one of the vanes.

Looks like I'll be going out to the farm again once deer season is over, looking specifically for 'yotes.