Coyotes in INDIANA


New member
I live in Indiana and im an avid shooter. Im new to this forum so i thought id ask a question. Id like to shoot some yotes i havent seen them for a while. they usualy cross the field behind our house. My dad is a farmer and im 14 so we have some woods to hunt in that our land lords own. I was wondering what would be the best place to stalk or call in the critters. Ive shot some groudhogs and the occassional varmint and im a pretty good shot. Ill be using a 243 or 22-250. there both good calibers and good for yotes i hear. Im thinkin of buyin a call for them so tell me what would be the best place to set up. :confused:
Why not set up with you back against your property facing the field. You could set up some typical household junk as a sort of blind to shoot from. Make sure you have a safe backdrop for your shot, so your neighbor will not leak when he drinks water. I then would probably get a tape of a wounded rabbit and play it in a portable tape player some distance from where I was set up. Also, it might help to buy a decoy of some type. I would sit very quietly and avoid excess movement. Also, I would not get up to go from the blind until after dark. Good luck.
I am by nok means an expert but i have had some success so heres some tips from someone who is older and wiser than you and i combined.

-set up in a high spot but not right at the top of a hill just a bit down.
-get the wind at your back (contrary to most types of hunting you want the sound carried in a certain direction so you dont have yotes sneaking up behind you.
-walk in very quietly and sit a few minutes before you start to call
-call for a bit then go quiet then call a bit more
-when you do get a coyote come in watch him he'll be moving his head around and circling to catch a scent when hes not looking raise your rifle
-he'll catch the scent and pause for about half a second shoot then or youll be shooting at his tail
-when you shoot one dont just go to the kill right away call a little more because you may get another that was coming in behind
-when you leave a "stand" wait a few minutes after calling just to make sure there wasnt another coming in
-if you're in a location and its not working move around coyotes are trickier than us

thats about all i can offer you aside from saying good luck and good shootin
If you cut hay, coyotes will hunt the field after it is mowed. The mice and voles are much easier to find. It usually takes a day or two for them to figure out the field is cut. First fields cut in your area are always best. Large round bales make excellent makeshift blinds. Otherwise leave a couple of last years square bales out there to hide you.