

New member
In Colorado, there is a game law that penalizes someone for wasting game meat. I've not checked with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife but I don't think this applies to coyotes and foxes. If any of you hunt these critters, tell me what you do with the animal. You probably take the hide but do you just leave the thing where you shoot it. If you do, I'm sure it wouldn't last long.

I want to pop one, now and then, but I have a problem with shooting something I or someone else doesn't want to eat.

They are a game species. You can shoot as many as you want all year.

But according to the Colorado regs, they are considered furbearers, like muskrat, skunk, coon, fox, etc. Most states do not apply the wanton waste laws to furbearers.
I brought the question of eating coyote up on a forum a few years ago. Everyone agreed that it is no good to eat; -- and no one had tried it.;) jd
The laws vary a lot from state to state.

A generality is that unless the hide is to be sold in commerce, there is little control about shooting a predator.

Nope you don't need to eat the coyote but you are supposed to eat the marmots that you shoot. I guess it would take a bad case of the munchies to look hungrily at a marmot. Same with jack rabbits. Even the ones with the big nasty boils. A light hollow point reduces them to "no recoverable meat."
I thing the magpies & ravens would prefer it that way.
In jackrabbits, those aren't boils. They're large but harmless larvae. They don't hurt edibility. Mr. Jack himself does that, by virtue of being lean and tough. :)
MarkCO, I will check page 6. Yesterday, I called Colorado Parks and Wildlife and asked this question. I was told we cannot waste the meat.
A couple of years ago, I saw a documentary about the Marine Corp survival school which takes place in the Sierra Mountain in California. The show I saw was during the winter so I don't know if it's held during warmer weather. Anyway, students must complete certain tasks. Instructors kill a coyote then give pieces parts to the students to eat. Yuk.
In Korea they eat dogs. I did eat some as a guest of a Korean gentleman and frankly it wasn't half bad. I think the problem with eating a coyote, disregarding the toughness is the carrion that can be a large part of their diet during certain times of the year. I have a late friend that rejoiced when he trapped a bobcat or shot a Mountain lion. Said they were some of the best eats available. I haven't had the pleasure but would be willing to try. I'll still hold off on coyotes though unless it's a total survival situation. ;)
Paul B.
Coyotes eat carrion and have some very nasty internal parasites. The adverse possibilities are numerous and certainly not what one would consume other than an extreme survival situation.
IF regulations in your state require consuming coyote meat, you need to petition for some significant changes.
I killed 3 coyotes this hunting season. They are killing our deer and cattle like crazy in Alabama. They have even attacked a few people in the area. I keep their tails and leave the rest laying.
Attacks on humans??? Hum???

Attacks by coyotes on humans are rare, and are almost always associated with people habituating them with food. I'd be interested in seeing any documented proof of coyote attacks on humans in Alabama.