Coyote Trouble


New member
Coyotes are starting to get pretty thick on my sister in laws place. What would be best Cal. to get rid of some of them. Thanks
We need more info to answer that question.

Where does she live? How close are neighbors and livestock? How about buildings?

If she lives way out in the country like I do you could use about anything you like. I can fire my 375H&H in almost any direction from my home with total safety.

If she cannot do that then you need to think about what is the range that can be known to be safe

In some areas the best coyote gun is a 20 gauge with #5 shot

In other areas the best may be a 6.5X284 or a 270 Winchester.
Thanks, she is out in country but does have farm next to her with cattle. Thought about using my 25_06 but might go with smaller calibre. Thanks
IMHO... With decent shot placement at modest distances, a .22 will work fine... or any of the centerfire .17 - .22 cal cartridges if you intend to reach out a bit.

I was going to say .223 as well but if there's buildings/populated areas nearby I'd go with a 12ga. loaded with 00 buckshot. If you hit'em they'll die.
If you aren't interested in saving the pelts and it is safe to shoot your .25-06 on her land, then blast away with it instead of buying a new gun. If you have some lighter pills for the .25-06 you will be in business for putting some serious hurt on those dogs.

There is no reason to buy another gun really, unless you are going to go down to a .204 Ruger or .223. The .25-06 will not do any more damage to a pelt than a .243 will, and it will kill them just as dead, so buying a .243 would be a waste of money IMO.

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Any rifle or shotgun. Just have to choose according to distances. You just have to get out there if you want to get them.
ide go with a mini 14 or a mini 30. just pick witch round you prefer . i personally favor the 7.62 for that case. but the mini 14 and 30 are pretty popular for those situations
A varmint grenade won't ricochet at 25-06 velocities. I think I'd load or buy a box of ammo. Those quarter bores are mighty versatile. If you are concerned about report, .22 WMR through .22 Hornet are much less noticeable.
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Since its not written and I'm not sure if its open pasture land your going to hunt. But if there's a need to be concerned about your bullets flight paths. It may be best to consider a smaller less powerful caliber than your 25-06. Maybe something more in the range of a Hornady 17HMR or 22 Hornet for your quarry. Dogs are not that hard to dispatch so long as you do your part in making sure your quarry receives and is dispatched with a well placed shot. The 17 HMR or the 22 Hornet will indeed be efficient enough to get the job done at a reasonable range. Good luck in catching a few of them dogs.
aim small miss small. Or as I like to say. Aim well. Miss very little.:D

In some areas the best coyote gun is a 20 gauge with #5 shot

In other areas the best may be a 6.5X284 or a 270 Winchester.

Or if they're really close a stout sling shot will work:)

Most of my trail cam pics show them at 2:30-4:30 a.m. here. Unless you're gonna hunt all night long, trapping is the best way to go anyway. I like the Duke #3 double coil in circle hole sets of 3-4 each. That is--if I don't need an excuse to drag out the AR!

I called one in last year to 8 yards and my brother in law shot him with his .270 short mag!
He wasn't any more dead then the ones I shot with my .223 or my 12 ga with #4 buck!

Make sure you are legal and shot em in the face!!:p