Coyote Tips!

In need of some yote tips! I'm interested in hunting some this winter! Maybe get a little money outta the fur, but mostly for the pleasure of hunting! I'm buying a .223 and have a little more than a 1000 acres to hunt.. So land isn't a problem. I just wanna know what everyone uses, and what tips you have? I live in SE Oklahoma! Don't know if that matters much? But I know animal patterns are different in different environments! Much Appreciated :D
Mini14 winchester 45gr Varmint,
Strict scent control.....I wasn't real good at coyotes but this go around I have strictly adhered to scent control measures I have been modestly successful the last couple of months. That proves to me that its pretty important.
I've mostly used a mouth-squaller to call them in, imitating a wounded rabbit.

Coyotes will come toward the call, but they tend to circle for a final approach into the wind. That means you have to pick a position which controls that final approach, whether land form or thick brush. Try to force Wily's approach so he comes in cross wind or directly to the call.

You don't need camo, but setting up where you are behind low cover is good. A little face-net mask hides the shine of your face. The main thing is to not betray your presence with motion; don't fidget. Whatever motion you make, do it slowly and smoothly.

There is all manner of electronic calling gear available. I guess the top of the line is one with a remote control like a TV, where you can sit at a distance and control the volume. But I have on occasion used a "baby boom box" from Wal-Mart and just set it on the hood of my truck. It worked...
the dog will always try to come at you on the down-wind side. call for 15 mn., then move. if there are cows around, look in the herd, the cows will let you know where the dogs are, they(2 or 3) will be looking at the dog. 50 gr. balistic tip in the vitals should make for a good hunt.
Many hunt in the morning and.afternoon, I believe. Mine is all nighttime incidental with pig hunting.

I also switched to an open reed mouth call, which I am sure contributed to my recent successes.
When there is a lot of moonlight, Ol' Wily has to work harder for his dinner. That keeps him at it longer, so he commonly will start earlier in the late afternoon or even still be hunting after sunup in the morning.
Donkeys are excellent indicators of stuff around. Watch the ears.

The best call so far is a johnny Stewart dog howler or a name real similar.
I don't think the brand matters as much as the design, with the open reed type you can play different 'notes' , for lack of a better term.

The last month or so I have been just making yipping noises I think the rabbit distress sounds may have been played out in my area.

I think that you will find differing sounds that work in your area.

I am in a heavy mesquite area, so I have to get all my critters fairly close up, so there probably many coyotes that I called in that I never saw.
Good luck,
It's cool when you get them.

There's some way more experienced guys on the forum than me, so, they will have better tips than I do.
Also remember how curious coyotes are. Many times I have taken a shot, missed, and then the coyote ran straight away from me for 50 yards, going 100 mph. But their curiosity then kills them, as they slowly come to a halt and turn broadside for one more look at what was shooting them.

So don't give up on a coyote if you miss. Be ready with that second shot.
Oh yeah, i forgot to mention the little yip or chirp or squeak to make them turn back to get a better shot. I just leave the call on my lips when I got the cross-hairs on doesn't even need to be a good sound to make them pause.
Best thing you can do is study! The coyote is one of the smartest of God's creations. It has possibly the best Nose, eyes and ears in the woods. The do like to get a sniff sometimes when they respond to a distress call. I think it is more to make sure there isn't something killing the prey that can kill them as well. Movement stands out to them like a beacon! A decoy is worth it's weight in gold! Try to set the decoy about 30 or so yards away and about the same upwind with a cross wind. This way whan/if it circles downwind it is in your lap. Any call played right will call them in. Get one and practice. A LOT! I would also sugest searching for "Bucking the Odds" on Youtube. They have a buch of videos on there to see what to expect and sound like! Then order some patience from any online retailer that sales it. It is the most rewarding hunting I have experienced, but the most frustating as well. Study, study and study! Good luck!
I still use an old Olt call from forty years back. I've accumulated others, but the Olt seems to work better. I've no idea why. Maybe something in the pitch or tone...
You have received some very good tips from the other posters on this thread, here's mine.

Camo clothing, I'm a firm believer in it because I want to blend into my surroudings as much as possible.
I do not like to to have any bare skin reflecting light and this holds true especially with your hands and face.
If it's to warm to wear my camo hood over my hat I use camo paint on my face, neck and ears.
I also do not want any reflection off of my equipment I'm using.

Picking your spots to make your hides is very important.
You want to take advantage of everything you can and especially the wind, I try to keep it in my face if possible.
I always sit with something at my back that will help break up my image, I dont want to look like a big lump sitting out there.
I try to make my hides so the animals approach will be in clear shooting lanes, I do not want anything in front of me that may deflect a bullet.
I pick hides that I can sneak into and sneak back out of, I don't want to educate the coyotes anymore then I have to.
I never hunt the same hides to often.

When it comes to the calls I use, I have both mouth blown calls and electronic calls and I've had good success with both.
If I'm going to be walking long distances I rely only on mouth blown calls as I don't want the extra weight of the electronic calls.
At every new hide I make I wait at least 15 minutes before I start calling, this gives everything a chance to settle down.
Rabbit distress sounds work good until the coyotes get educated to them, then you will need to switch up with pup distress sounds or bird distress sounds.
During the breeding season coyote sounds work real well.
Even though I don't normally use a decoy I do agree with JJ that they are a big help.
I have a cadre of mouth blown calls everything from expensive custom hand made calls to mass produced manufacture calls, they all work well.
That being said my favorite mouth blown rabbit squealing calls is my "Little Buddie" predator calls. These things are not very expensive, they look like a couple of ink pin tops with reeds in them, they sure bring in the coyotes.

As for other equipment, I like a cushion to sit on, I prefer one that's water proof.
As for the guns I use, depending on where I'm hunting I use a 12 ga shotgun with #4 buck, 223, 22-250 and 243.
I use the shotgun and 223 for closer in work and night time hunting, for longer range work I use the 22-250 and 243 these are my day time guns.
The reason I like the longer range guns for the daytime work is because I've had coyotes sit-up on me at longer ranges and no amount of coaxing would bring them in, the long range shot takes care of that problem.

If you are going to use mouth blown calls practice a calling sequence and don't over use the call when out hunting.
Listening to a couple of elctronic calls will help you learn a calling sequence.
As for electronic calls the Fox Pros are hard to beat.

Good luck on your hunting, and don't get discouraged.
Once you call your first one in it's real easy to get hooked on this type of hunting.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter