Coyote hunting.

how do you hunt?

i really enjoy calling them... i use mouth calls half the time, other half is w/ various tapes and an electronic caller.

another way is to scout them like you do deer... find their dens, set up in the morning and pick 'em off. neighbor had a yote problem, so i climbed up on top of our house, levelled the bipod for a shot near his den, and waited him out. finally spotted him at 11:00 a.m., laser read 407 yards, and the 25-06 stopped his sheep killing habits.

the guys who get the biggest body counts run 'em down w/ their trucks...not sporting in my estimation, but when they are losing money by the truckload cuz the 'yotes are killing their livestock, hard to fault 'em for it.
As far as gun, it depends on whether you're in brushy or short-range country, or are likely to have longer shots in wide-open country.

If you hunt in daytime over bait or via calling, the shots are likely to be at longer range. Night time, calling, I commonly get 20- to 40-yard shots even though my light could reach out 200 or 300 yards.

Do a search on this forum; we've had several threads on the subject.

22-250 , good camo, johnny stweart call box & a couple turkey feathers dangle from fishing line on brush 50 yards out front. bdc
Areas where I'll be going are wooded areas. Damn animals can read my mind I think. I'm scouting out spots now. It sure is pest control! A friend of mine suggested an injured rabbit call. Told me to have a side arm as the damn things can come up on you quick if you're not in a tree. Please keep the info coming I can use all the help I can get.
Coyotes will come directly to a call, but when fairly close will veer so as to approach into the wind. This behavior affects how you set up and which way to watch. With a tape-deck caller, 40 or 50 feet of speaker wire out from you to the speaker's location will help.

For shots inside 40 yards or so, a full-choke shotgun with 00 will work.

I hunted some with a guy who swears that leaving the motor idling on his truck and standing alongside while calling hides you, your own noises, and masks your smell. It worked on two coyotes he called in. Coyotes are more used to noisy trucks than silent trucks...This was in fairly open country. has a lot of good info from guys who are very regular, and located all around the country.
