Coyote hunting in Pa.


New member
I'm interested in hunting coyotes in Pa. and was wondering if anyone can answer some of my questions.

Has anyone ever hunted coyotes in Pa? If so, without giving up your favorite spot, what is the best county to hunt them?

What is the best habitat to hunt them? Thanks in advance.
I can't be too helpful but I live in Lancaster Co and have lived in York and Lebanon counties and I have never seen a coyote in my life.
I can't tell you about Pennsylvania, but I imagine coyote behavior is pretty much the same, anywhere.

If you have any sort of portable tape-deck, buy a wounded cottontail rabbit tape. Also, buy a hand-held call you blow through. You can learn how to use the mouth-call by listening to the tape...

(You do have cottontail rabbits or some sort of rabbit up there, don't you?)

Assuming you're in coyote-country--that helps--you would want to set up with a fairly open area in front of you, preferably down-wind from you. A coyote will almost always circle to get downwind from whatever he's going after, so you want him in the open. Yes, he might catch your scent, but at night that's not that critical; in daytime you can still see him before he realizes he's been had.

It works best with two people. One to work the tape-deck or blow the caller, and one to shoot. Shooting from a deer-stand, in daytime, makes life easier.

The first calls should be fairly loud, and after a minute or so, turn down the volume. After another minute or so, quit. Start again after a minute or so. Lots of "or so" in this business. If no luck, wait 1/2 hour "or so" (See? I told ya!) and try again. If still no luck, go someplace else...

At night, don't use a super-bright light. it blinds them and they'll turn away and maybe leave the scene entirely. All you want to do is pick up the eyes and identify it as a coyote via your scope. A fairly bright light with a red lens cover is good.

During the calling, just occasionally sweep the open area with the light, holding it so just the lower edge of the light would hit the animal. Low calls and squeaks will keep him coming in.

Calling will also bring in hawks (daytime), owls, bobcats, foxes, and feral housecats as well as start the local dogs barking. The Burnham brothers, who basically started all this calling, have a photo of an owl landing on Murray's cap! Callers have been run over by bears (New Mexico), and have had panthers ghost past at five to ten feet.

Assuming night-hunting is legal, it is wise to tell the local game warden what you're planning. It saves him a lot of hassle if he gets a phone call. And, if he's on patrol, you have less explaining to do about not being a deer-poacher.

Hope this helps...
