Coyote hunting help?


New member
We have a pretty bad coyote infestation, we own livestock and a lot of small dogs so I don't want the things anywhere around, I also have a bit of a grudge against them for attacking pets within 100 feet of me or family members. I want to use the most efficient way of thinning the numbers on the property, I can't use foot traps because of two very large great Pyrenees that like to roam the woods, Ive heard coyotes are in general too smart for cage traps, and while I do have an electric call I want the best chance at them I can get.

I am thinking of baiting a spot for a couple weeks to find out where they are active and sitting close by and calling a couple in. I am kind of curious what coyotes will eat though, I am thinking of using tree squirrel or rabbits as bait, but I may also try to possum hunt.
When the pickin's are slim (dead of winter) Coyotes will eat anything with calories in it.

Make a sound like Lunch (wounded anything) and a hungry coyote will come running.
Any estimate of how far away I should be?

I forgot to mention I live in southern kentucky, Ive called one before when up in a tree stand 300 yards away but all I had was a 17 hmr and though I landed a shot he hardly seemed bothered.

Ive seen them run by when walking the woods as well, the most annoying time was when I had one casually lope by after emptying a 30 round ak magazine and shooting my 22 empty just 2 minutes before.
Any estimate of how far away I should be?

I forgot to mention I live in southern kentucky, Ive called one before when up in a tree stand 300 yards away but all I had was a 17 hmr and though I landed a shot he hardly seemed bothered.

Ive seen them run by when walking the woods as well, the most annoying time was when I had one casually lope by after emptying a 30 round ak magazine and shooting my 22 empty just 2 minutes before.

I wouldn't get any closer than a hundred yards unless you've got excellent cover and perfect wind. Personally I'd just use a caller and setup on them.
They like to circle,

to check for danger ( human scent).

Some elevation is good as you found out.

Don't over call, less is more.

Don't over hunt the same area, move about.

If possible use roadkill for an attractant.
I go to a deer processing plant with a big tub and get 3-4 guts from a deer and set them out. Get about 100 yards or so away with calls. Keep area baited every week and have fun. Sometimes you may want to set out at night and shine spot light at gut pile every 30 minutes. Just make sure to notify game wardens of hunting coyotes at night so they'll know that way if someone calls them they won't come out.
In our neck of the woods, some guys are known to use a game rooster tied with a string from it's leg to a stake. They say a coyote just can's resist a chicken and the roosters will make some noises occasionally to get the coyotes attention.
As far as baiting, it works but they usually won't set a pattern as to when they come in. They come when they get hungry. It may be midnight and it may be 4am. But you can sneak in early in the morning before day light with the wind in your face and wait for enough light to see the pile.
Calling is not very successful over a bait pile. They all are well fed and do not have to risk taking a meal from another animal.
Sometimes coyote vocals can spark a territorial battle but you need to study the vocals and their meanings. A few to many barks mixed in and a challenge becomes a warning!
I would suggest doing a bit of scouting and finding where they are going and why they are going there. They will almost always use the path of least resistance. That is usually a cattle or game trail that will be visible. Find these and then find a spot where you have a good upwind view of the trial and a nice opening. Put the call and a decoy, either a manufactured one or a feather on a string, out in the opening where you have a nice view of the downwind side as well if possible.
Call for about a minute or so and the watch for movement for a few minutes.
Start with a lower volume and increase a bit each calling sequence.
I do this for 20-30 minutes on a stand.
The biggest thing is sitting still! Coyotes have keen eye sight and can pick up a mouse moving from a long ways off! Our head looking back and forth is like the wind sock man used for advertisement at a big sale!
Scan with your eyes and not your head!
Good luck and take pictures!
I have killed more yotes with a spotlight then trapping, calling and baiting combined. Check local laws. At 1am you will be shocked at how many you can find.
Out here their favorite meal is house such thing as an outdoor cat in AZ :D Actually saw an electric cat decoy at Bass Pro
patriot 52

Ran across one here on the back of property mowing one afternoon, pretty much always pack a pistol at this time had a Springfield XD 9, put 4 rounds in it at around 30 yards and dropped him dead.

Lots of good replies here. im new at it too, but have done alot of research. i agree with staying 100+ yards away. also, the dogs will at some point try/will get downwind of you. shooting them before they do is key here. Red filtered spotlights. I to am going to be using roadkills. scent is a very strong scense to them and makes them easier to draw in when the catch the scent. also it can give you an edge as to where they will come from(sometimes). Bigger packs also means less food to go around, especially winter as someone already mentioned. I believe as with any other hunt, experience is the best way to hone the skills. Break the ice and go from there. My grandfather and I have hung deer scraps low on trees where coyotes are known to be in the area, coming back the next day to find them gone. could have been anything, but interesting none the less. In the summer here, i generally hear 2-3 large packs just on the outskirts of the villiage. im betting this will be when i have my best luck. a friend of mine just sits at home till he hears that, then drives out to the country with his 223 walks in close from there and boom! As I fish after dark in the same area im sure I'll be able to get some shots then. I'm just limited on time right now due to paramedic school. Best of luck to you.
My bait pile is 350 yards from the spot I shoot from which I can approach w/o showing myself. Two coyotes were killed there last year and this winter not a single yote has shown up during daylight hours(I don't watch it full time but check 2-10 times a day). I know they can't see, hear, or smell me before I see them so most likely they've been coming to the bait only in the dark. I wouldn't set up a bait less than 250 yards from my shooting position and best case would be able to check it with binoculars from 400-500 yards before getting closer.
If I could afford it, I'd have a night vision scope on a dedicated night rifle.
Eliminating coyotes is not a one time deal-you'll have new animals every year.
I unfortunately found out they like spoiling chicken.

Had a case of raw chicken wings left over from a family cookout that we didn't use. They set in the downstairs fridge and had just barely started to smell a little when I noticed them. Took them back in the ravine. The opossum tore them up the first couple of nights. I went back at daybreak on about the third day and shot a yote on the pile.

Another thing I've learned is that in the winter time when food is tuff for them, it does not take a big pile to attract them. Something small with scent will bring them in. Have used leftovers, beef and pork bones etc. with a bit of success. I think sometimes we get thinkin it has to be something wild we use in our bait piles to draw them. Just haven't found that to be the case.
You could make a baitcicle, basically a chunk of frozen water, meat, and blood. It will melt, and the smell will travel down wind. Slightly rotten meat will put more smell into the air.

They tend to approach from down wind but sometimes if they haven't been educated a rabbit in distress call will have them running towards the noise in a straight line.

Right now I would go for rabbit or any rodent in distress call. It's the end of winter and they are probably pretty hungry. Coyotes are opportunistic and if it sounds like food they will come towards it.

If your local laws permit it, hunting them at night is probably the best way to go about it. But I have seen them waltzing around in the middle of the day outside my house, probably hunting one of the cats.

From mid to late spring, the deer are giving birth, deer fawn is probably one of the favorite meals of the coyote. Any deer fawn noise will bring them in, and I have no qualms about making them wary of fawn noises. Coyotes learn quickly, and associating that fawn noise and being shot at will only make them wary of approaching a real fawn.