Coyote hunting -- beginner questions


New member
Hey all! I would like to begin coyote hunting (gee...have you heard THAT somewhere before? Oh yeah...the subject!). And I know very little. I have a .22 Mag, so I think I am set on firepower as long as I keep it under 125 yds. Now, what about calling? What calls should I get? I am looking at a set of three predator calls in the Cabelas catalog. Any good? What SHOULD I get? And for coyote hunting -- is Missouri considered east or west? And any other tips that you want to pass along would be great! Thanks!!

I just read through the archives for coyote hunting info. I noticed the tape-player method mentioned a lot. Sounds like a fairly good idea! So would I have to get a call, then record myself? (I hate the sound of my own cotton-tail voice on tape :)) Or are there commercially available tapes? I would much rather just call them in...but if it just does NOT work, then I will go to a tape. We'll see. And then there is the burning question. What to do with the "bodies?" I will be hunting mostly in a conservation I don't think leaving the guys to rot will work, will it? Let me know about all this! Thanks!!


[This message has been edited by Hueco (edited January 19, 2000).]
Hueco. If you are going to use a .22 on coyotes, I think you'd best let them get closer that 125 yards. Them "Yodel Pups" are tough.
As to the use of electronic callers? Check with your Fish & Game Department. Uses of electronic callers is illegal in some states.
Lease to case skin your kills. Make stretchers to dry the hides. The market has fallen way down from what it was in the late 1970's, but your hides could be worth a few bucks, even today. It will be a long time before coyote hides go back up to over $100, but even at $5.00 apiece, it'll help pay for your ammo.
Carcass disposal? Get some big garbage bags, and haul your kills home, or take them to the local dump, if you are allowed to do so.
If you can afford to do so, get a rifle with more power. A .223, 22-250, or even a .243.
When I hunted coyotes for thier hides in the late 70's, I used a .243 with 85 gr. Sierras, loaded down a bit to prevent too much damage to the hides.
Paul B.
Hueco: I grew up hunting coyotes in SW Kansas and did a lot of calling. It's a real rush when you can get a dog within 30 yds.I would suggest buying a hand held call and doing it yourself. That way you can call when you need to and not have to worry about flipping on and off a machine. You may want to buy a tape just to hear what they sound like, then do it yourself. I liked to tie the call around my neck so not to lose it. MO is probably considered an eastern state as I believe what they are wanting to know is if you have jackrabbits in the area, I doubt you do. When calling wind direction is crucial, if they smell you they leave in a hurry. Same goes for if they see you, never blow your call while you can see them. They will pinpoint your position and either leave if they can see you or just sit out there staring. They are not dumb animals which you will find out, and you may gain respect for them. I did. I've shot coyotes with a lot of different guns, I won't go through them all, but would suggest something larger than a .22 mag. I had a .17 rem that was just awesome on coyotes, rarely exited, which is nice if your selling hides. Stitching up holes the size of a grapefruit ain't much fun. Factory load .243's and even .22-250's will do that. A .223 or .222 are both great rounds for them dogs. While in high school and for a couple years after, a buddy and I would kill 150 to 200 coyotes per season by calling and trapping. This was in the mid to late 70's and coyotes were worth a lot then, $75 to $100. Nothing like that now, too bad. We new a kid in school who's dad worked at the landfill, he would let us dump the carcasses there. Not sure if we were supposed to or not, we were not EPA wise. Calling Coyotes can be a lot of fun and always a learning experience. :)

bullet placement is gun control
Thanks guys! Upon further reading, I am re-evaluating my calibre choice. I think I have a good excuse to get a new rifle! I am not sure what calibre, but since I will not be eating any of my kills...meat-loss is not an issue. I would rather be assured a clean, quick kill instead of retaining the most meat. So I think I will jump up to at least a .243 or .308 to get some versatility. Thanks again guys!


By "clean...kill" I mean not shooting the animal and letting it bleed to death over a few hours or days. Haha, I doubt that shooting a groundhog with a .308 could be considered a "clean kill" in any other way!

[This message has been edited by Hueco (edited January 21, 2000).]
.243 is a good choice
re: calls- I don't know if they're still available, but I like the old P.S.Olt flat reed call. I can use it hands-free. Squeals real good but you can bite down on it and squeek it like a mouse for those apprehensive dogs that like to hang up out there at the edge of range. I also use another longer range call at times.
Hueco, did you pick up the bits & pieces in the archives about HOW to call, and about coyote behavior? Where to put yourself for best results, with respect to concealment and wind?

Wile the .22 Mag is a minimum, it'll work just fine at closer ranges, say inside 50 yards. The .222 or .223 will easily do them in out to 200, without the racket of the larger cartridges...

Yup, I am fairly well read on the techniques of coyote hunting now -- both from here and else where. But there is ALWAYS room for more info in my head! Wooo wooo! Thanks!!

Well, not really sure about that yet. I couldn't really bring myself to skin it, so the only way to sell the hide would be on-body. Now if I can find a buyer who will take them that way, I will sell them. But since there are so few buyers in my area, and they do not sell for much anyway...I think I am simply "just shooting them." The areas around where I live are pretty heavily populated with coyotes, so I could easily get some jobs with farmers. So pretty much, I want a calibre that will KILL them with no respect to hide damage. I do NOT want a crippled-loss.

If your not worried about blowing big holes in them then I'd opt for a bit heavier caliber like a .243 or 25-06. Either would double as a very good deer rifle also.

bullet placement is gun control
Hey, just cut the tails off. Skin them out, salt the skin, and sell them at gunshows for $10. Ya gotta be a bit careful on that last few inches; an X-Acto knife is helpful.

:), Art

PS: If they're fat, they'll eat good...Why waste meat?