Coyote Hunters, I have a question for you


New member
What do you do with them after you shoot them? Especially in the warmer months when their hides aren't as valued as in the winter.

I am considering taking the plunge into Coyote hunting, but I want to make sure I can do something with the animal, if I am lucky enough to get one. Can you donate to schools for research, sell their pelts, etc...

I know it may seem like an odd question, but I would like some suggestions. I don't think my wife would let me hang hides any where near the house. She still doesn't know about the varmint gun I just purchased :)
I have another question for Ohio hunters. Can you use bait for coyotes? I don't see anything in the regulations that says you can't, but would rather be safe than sorry. Just read an article in Predator Magazine and they said the use of bait is very effective. He used a dead horse, which is a bit over the top. I was thinking more along the lines of finding a carcass and setting up near by to call.
Most guys here in Oklahoma just hang them on the fence posts.
Not fit to eat, and pelt prices aren't worth the trouble.
Can't imagine why anyone would want to mount one. Some of the guys tell me that they hang them on fences to keep other yotes away, but I think it is more to be able to drive by with their buddies, and point to one and say, I shot that one at 1 million yards.:D
Cheap dog food works shockingly well. I get a half dozen cans (.30 a can) and poke holes in them with a knife to make a dog lick. Then hang them from a cable on a tree limb, the smell seems to draw them in and they will spend a lot of time licking the cans to get the dog food out.

I got the idea from a few campers that dumped their trash in the woods. There was a can of dog food that was in a patch of churned up dirt and the can was torn to crap so the coyote could get the food out of it.

I know its cheaper that a horse (but it basicly is anyway).
Dog food? Hmmm...

I never thought of that...
Normally I just shoot a couple of the neighborhood nest robbers(blackbirds and crows) and let them come in...seems to work well...although a call doesn't hurt either.
If you can't eat them and the pelt is no good except in winter, why shoot them? I used to hunt them extensively for pelts (1981-1984 when pelts were $60 each), but only from Nov-Jan. The rest of the year they are making more coyotes for the next hunting season. But to each his own . . .
When I was in Eastern Wa a couple years back I shot one on a farm. They are high in numbers in that area and the farmers hate em. They are a real pest. Unfortunately it was a gut shot with my 7mm rem. mag. It was running at about 200+ yds so I was pretty lucky to hit it. But it was a nasty mess of guts and nappy fur so we discarded it. Too bad. :barf:
Here in TX were there are plenty of ranches, the coyote is a pest. They will kill young calves and they do plenty of damage to deer fawn population. I don't know anyone that saves the hide. We shoot them and let them become meals for other animals.

They breed like rabbits here in warmer climates and there is never a shortage of them.
Not only do coyotes kill calves, lambs, kids and fawns, they'll work over a farmer's watermelons and canteloupe as well.

Kill em. Kill em. They are the equivelant to the cockroach in mammals.

They hunt the same things we hunt. This is ok in moderation. The problem is that their population goes unchecked.
If you see a coyote hunting during the day, there is probably an overpopulation problem. Deal with it every chance you can.

Every coyote you kill during the spring and summer, when the pelt is thin, saves plenty of rabbits, fawns, quail, pheasent, etc for you to hunt later.
Not only that but large packs have been following people around where I hunt. I see far more coyote then any other animal so I have no problem turning them to crow food.

I thought "How cool" the first few times I saw a coyote following me. Then bow season came around and I am not allowed to carry anything but a bow while hunting. At this point we started only walking in pairs and one guy would small game hunt with a light rifle and the other would hunt deer (just didn't feel safe any more)

Feral dogs are a problem as they have no fear of people, and also pair people with getting food. So if they are hungry and see me they will come looking for food. What if I don't have anything to give them? They will do the next best thing (for them not for me).
I don't know if I would label them as the mammal equivalent to roaches, but I do agree with keeping their numbers under control. I scouted some of the areas I can hunt here this weekend, carried a gun just in case I saw one while hiking through the area. No beginners luck though :P I am hoping to give it my first real try this weekend.

Are there any sites or books that you would recommend on coyote hunting?
I've killed more with a scoped 30-30 than anything. But .223 with 64 grain bullet is a better long range cartridge. I shoot 'em on sight as they're not protected at all. Coyotes are cruel to fawns, antelope kids, elk calves, and older deer. They actually tear their prey apart and eat them while they're still alive! I have no love for coyotes.

What do I do with a dead coyote when their fur has no value? Leave the beggars where they falll. Crows gotta eat, too.
Round these parts coyotes stay where they hit the ground and im just fine with that. They have a nasty habit of eating our farm cats and causing all sorts of trouble for people who live closer to the hills. I never minded yotes until a pack of three took after our old dog Buddy when he was gettin on in years and since then I've felt the need to shoot them whenever i get the chance its a good thing they didnt get him or all I would do is shoot coyotes.

They should be controlled since they are the top of the prairie food chain and have no natural controls except changes in rabbit and gopher populations. Plus its a bigtime thrill to have one come running over the hill straight for your calls.
Out here in SD some farmers will PAY for you to kill coyotes. they cause so much depradation in cattle and sheep, they weant to get rid of them any way possible.

Shoot them and leve them ,Jack O'Conner is 100% right crows gotta eat too.I find a .223 or .243 is just right for these pests ,only good thing I ever saw a coyote do was scare golfers .:D
Jackrabbit or cottontail is good as well. shoot them and bleed the m out ont he ground and set up a squealing rabbit call. Brings em in from miles away.
