Cowboy action .38 spl with 700x?


New member
Anybody else tried 700x in .38 special for CAS? I think I've settled on 2.7g behind a 125g Missouri Bullet Co. Very accurate out of my New Vaquero. Other possible powders I have include Tite Group, Unique, Red Dot and HP-38. But I have 8 lb of 700x, which, at this rate, should last me a decade...
On a recent podcast (Guntalk maybe?), there was a discussion of having to use substitute powders due to the shortages.
700 was mentioned as a good one, not always noticed, for handguns.
700X is a good burn rate for non-magnum pistol loads.
It is a large flake powder and can give problems metering. I quit using it in .38 and 9mm after a few one grain drops when 2.5 - 4 was wanted.
What with the current shortage I am trying it again with a vibrator on the measure. So far, so good. 100 rounds shot and another 100 ready. If they do ok, I will take the next batch to IDPA.

So try it but eyeball each case to be sure it contains a full load.
I've been weighing my powder drops of 700x from my square deal. Once you get it dialed in, the metering system works quite well with flake powders--unique, red dot and 700x. 800x, being a larger flake is a little less consistent, but still very close. I've never had an issue with partial drops. But, as you say, it's best to keep an eye on things. It's harder, with such small charges, to see in the case to confirm the powder charge.
I have used the 700X for SASS when I could not find Trail Boss. I had had a Dillion Square Deal B that had no issues measuring the power. Never had any issues the 6 months I used it in both rifle and pistol.