Courts force Puerto Rico into shall-issue!

Interesting case, the defendant was a MD and General in the National Guard and could still could not qualify for a carry permit in PR.
First with Heller, it becomes legal to have a gun in your home. A home in the federal enclave of Washington D.C. Then with McDonald you have that same right, but in a state. It's a wonder the Supreme Court hasn't been asked to render a separate decision for each of the fifty states. Now the question is raised concerning the right in a US territory.

What's next, you can have a gun in your right hand, but not in your left until SCOTUS rules on it?

This is like trying to determine which way it's legal to urinate. Against the wind, or with the wind. Either way, you still have the fundamental underlying right to go, long as you don't rain of somebody else's parade.

Some local prosecutor in one of the Western states who saw the light and said to the effect after Heller went down, "Hey, you know what, we just aren't going to prosecute these gun possession cases anymore."
On the subject of Puerto Rico. While a commonwealth of the United States it still does not recognize reciprocity with other states, namely Florida. I can attest to the fact that Puerto Rico is indeed becoming quite dangerous as of late due to the prevalence of drugs, unemployment, and, of course, the ever-growing thug-wanna-be's who target lone citizens/tourists and couples. :mad:
My cousin Tim told me thats the place to retire, no taxes and all the benifits of living in America. A friend of his moved there to retire, they own metropolitan cars and belong to the car club for that car. Tim went there two years ago and told me it was a nice place. Maybe it is different now?

Will PR have to become a true state before it can recip with say fla? They vote on it and vote it down every time.