Court Ruling could result in much smaller NRA


New member
Americans have won the gun fight, but the NRA may be the big loser.

Now, I'm concerned that membership, renewals and large philanthropic gifts will begin to drop off dramatically. Could the NRA be half its current size in a few years?

Yes, state by state and municipality by municipality, there will be continued court challenges, but it's the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action that will wage many of those fights.

A big loser as a result of a smaller NRA and NRA Foundation could be all of us. Fewer funds could mean fewer grants and thus less effective programs like Eddie Eagle and Women On Target, etc.

Renew your membership. Get another friend to join. Too much is still at stake.
I've signed up for three more years

I've just received my NRA membership card for three more years. Also an NRA Certified Instructor for Pistol & Shotgun for three more years!


Today's ruling of the Supreme Court will go far in assuring our Constitutionally given rights are as set firm as they have always been. I applaud our American System and its people. I also applaud this forum in its effort to promote our Constitutional right to share ideas, opinions and recommendations. We must also be vigilent in keeping our intentions as gun owners responsible and in safety FIRST. As an NRA Certified Trainer in Pistol & Shotgun, I feel today more encouraged to show youth the joys of the shooting range, and feel safer that others outside my family wall of security will respect my ability to protect the precious lives and environment within.
The battle to preserve the right to keep and bear arms will never end.

There will always be a small group of people determined to rob decent Americans of the right to keep and bear arms.

If gifts to the NRA drop off,it will be because the NRA is run by people that disrespect what the NRA should stand for.

And because they continually harass their own members.
I disagree. While today was a major victory, its not going to stop states like CA from trying to ban ammo and the like. If anything, it should increase membership now that a major metro area can legally own a pistol.

Just a battle won in the war that is the 2nd amend.
Bans on private sales, microstamping, and other anti-gun schenes won't go away.

Besides, we still have ten states to move to shall-issue status.
While this is a large step forward the skirmishes will always be present. I look forward to seeing where the 'Brady bunch', et al will go next. This isn't over by a long shot.
The issue with ammo in California will probably be based on the lead content. Some environmentalists have this idea that shooting lead at waterfowl and wild game is bad for the environment... ;) Using other metals instead of lead will increase the price of ammo, but I don't see a "ban" on ammo coming in general.
I cant speak for the country as a whole, but my best friend and I have just bought our first NRA memberships, along with several family members as a result of the Heller ruling.
I think it will keep growing.

Remember, there are many Americans living in areas such as D.C. that are about to have their rights restored to a certain degree. More people buying handguns equal more people becoming members at ranges. Most ranges that I've ever been a member of required that I was a member of the NRA. This alone will offset some of the overall decline.

I do see what you mean, though. Unfortunately, I think some peoples' mentality is that since one of the major battles has been won there's really no need to continue donating...
I don't think this will hurt the NRA, I think it will help them. Progress is being made. Everyone likes to support a winner.
I don't think we're there yet, but I look forward to a day when the NRA can concentrate on fostering and promoting the shooting sports instead of fighting endless legal battles against the anti-gun crowd.

*sigh* Maybe some day.

I'll be a member 'til I die.
Now, I'm concerned that membership, renewals and large philanthropic gifts will begin to drop off dramatically.

This is exactly what the Brady bunch hopes happens. Keep in mind, we won the battle, we haven't won the war.

Keep and bare your arms diligently.
If we get to the point that all battles with the anti's are over then I expect the NRA might fall off in membership. But who here believes that will happen in our lifetime? And if it does happen that just means we will have won every battle left to be fought. And if new battles come up so will the NRA again.

I just renewed my membership a couple of days ago and I knew the Supremes were very likely to rule in our favor. So not everyone thinks this ruling means the war is completely over. But the major victory is ours. Everything else is just icing on the cake iMO. Yes there will be attempts to fight the ruling and yes a liberal supreme court could change things but I don't see either one happening. We've fought long and hard for this victory and I believe as of today we have won. But there will be lawsuits to fight for years to come. I just think we will win them all now.
Today's Heller victory is only the beginning.

For the next 20 years there will be lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit against gun Chicago, in Chicago's suburbs, in New York City, in San Francisco (San Fran lawsuit announced tonight on Fox News).

There will lawsuit upon lawsuit.

All today did was give our side the enormous club to beat on the opposition with.

But it's gonna take years and years and years of beating.

But after today, we've got the club.

When we won the fight at Normandy, we did not end the war.

Today we won a battle. Let us NOT forget there is a fight.
I'm goping to have to search The Firing Line Forums (not tonight) but it seems to me there was a big debate not that long ago about the NRA opposing the SCOTUS taking on this case.

I don't care if were talking about the NRA the NHRA or the NRHA. The number goal of alln organizations is the further the organizaion and else is secondary. And denying this won't make it any less true. The NRA allows gun bans to pass then scares the public who give them money to "fight" them and they just line there pockets. Problem is too many die hards are blind to this. And don't you dare start thinking that this is unique to guns and the interested/related parties.