Course of fire


New member
Is there a website that describes the course of fire for some of these competitions?

I visited the SASS and it really had no such information.
Check out Once on the Mule Camp web page go to the Cherokee Cowboys monthly scores. Several of the 1999 months have the stage descriptions after the list of scores. It doesn't show target placement but does have the shooting procedure.

Angel Diamond
If you'd like, people can e-mail you some of their scenarios or post them here. The best one from me lately is:
Mule Camp 2000 All Around Cowboy Final Stage
By Joe West
The all around cowboy can handle a lot of career changes.
A lot of cowboys fell for the siren call of the gold fields. You heard about easy money just lying around for the picking. So you sold your horses and got up a grubstake and went prospecting. Lonely months on the hills chasing rumors of strikes sent you back to town, to sell off your gear and enjoy some company again before looking for another line of work. As you're sitting in a cool saloon enjoying a friendly game you see a large band of outlaws tearing into town. They're stealing everything in sight and torching the town to boot! You grab up a scared gambler's gun and using everything you've got, you stop the outlaws. You even save the town from burning by shooting the torches out of the sky with your shotgun. When the smoke clears, you're offered a new job, town Sheriff. But, you steal a horse and ride off into the sunset instead.
Props: 2 mules, hay bales, table, chair, clay holding figures, clays, a provided pistol and ammo.
Targets: 3 rifle steel, 2 clay holding figures, 6 pistol steel, and 3 shotgun knockdowns/clay throwers
Weapons: one staged provided gun, your 2 pistols, your rifle, your shotgun.
Ammo: You must have 10 rounds for your pistols, [ammo for the staged pistol will be provided and loaded by a stage marshal] 8 rounds for your rifle, at least 6 shotgun rounds on your person, and at least one spare rifle round on your person.

Procedure: A provided pistol is staged on the marked area of the table pointing down range, your 2 pistols are holstered, and all are loaded with 5 each, hammer fully down on an empty chamber. Your rifle is loaded with 8 rounds, hammer fully down on an empty chamber and staged on the left-hand mule as seen facing down range. The shotgun is staged open and empty on the right hand mule with at least 6 rounds on your person. Start sitting at the table both hands on the table, both palms touching the table. When ready say loudly and with gusto, "Nobody steals my mules!" and wait for the beep. After the beep, pick up the staged pistol, stay seated and engage the three largest pistol targets left to right and back with no doubletaps 12321. All firing of the first pistol done seated. Stand and carry pistol to the hay bale and put it down pointing safely down range. Caution: do not break the 170-degree plane moving with the pistol. If the pistol or any staged gun is dropped or falls off the hay bale or mules for any reason the shooter is disqualified. Draw your 1st holstered pistol and engage the closest pistol targets left to right and back, 12321. Holster that pistol and pick up the shotgun and engage the 3 shotgun targets and the three clays they'll throw, left to right. Shotguns may never be loaded with more than 2 rounds at one time. Shotgun misses on the knockdowns ONLY may be made up with rounds from the shooters person pointed down range. CLEAR shotgun and place open empty shotgun back on mule. Move to the other mule. Pick up rifle and double tap the 3 steel rifle targets, left to right. After engaging all 3 steel targets, engage the stationary clays in any order. Live rifle rounds ejected by accident may be reloaded from the shooter's person and misses on the clays ONLY may be made up from the shooter's person. Put the open empty rifle back down on the mule and draw the second holstered pistol. Engage the closest pistol targets left to right and back 12321. NO Alibi Stage. ALL SASS AND CHEROKEE SAFETY RULES AND PENALTIES APPLY.

I hope you enjoy it.