Couple Yotes


New member
We have a huge problem with yotes on our farm, so we started trying to tame the population... Both of these are from the same spot over the last week, male and female... We had the female howling like crazy this morning right on top of us in some brush... She finally rolled out into the field at 150 yards and I took her down.


What is it your shooting there Kimber84?
What were you using to coax her in so close with?

I wounder if coyote's are like mice? You see one in your castle. Be prepared to catch at least four more.

Good job! The Yotes here in Utah are decimating the mule deer population. It's so bad the State is offering a $50 bounty PER HEAD on them!
What is it your shooting there Kimber84?
What were you using to coax her in so close with?

I wounder if coyote's are like mice? You see one in your castle. Be prepared to catch at least four more.


Ironically enough I'm using a Kimber 84M Montana :) in .243, running 95g SST Hornady hand loads. It definetly rocks their world.

We were using a groundhog distress mainly, along with some sort of yipping/barking ( my buddy is the calling expert , foxpro caller)

The male came in pretty fast, this female was howling literally 20 yards from me on the other side of some briars.. She then circled out in a thicket and came down across the field behind the call. She was leaning back howling when I shot, and the position she was in allowed for me to only see her head.

Glad to be getting rid of some of these, if we could get 5-6 more on the farm is be real happy.
They're thick in WV too. You hear them every night and see them laying beside the road quite often. We have had a few young calves go missing too. I was checking on the cattle and glanced down the hill and this was looking back at me.

She didn't look long.
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The domestication of coyotes with lead supplements! I love it. I need a foxpro. Apparently my rhythms or something are off. I don't think there are many yote hunters out here. There are lots of yotes, but there's no bounty or anything on them, so they don't get the attention they deserve.