Couple Hornady LNL AP issues. Need help.


New member
Having a few issues with a new Hornady LNL AP. I'm new to reloading. Got a few thousand 9mm under my belt. Going great, perfect function in both guns I'm loading for.
Stations: Hornady flare, Hornady powder drop, DAA magnetic powder check, Hornady seating, Lee crimp.
Components: New starline 9mm brass, CCI 500 primers, N320 powder, Hornady 125gr. HAP. (Waiting on Blue Bullets in a variety of weights to try.)

1.Shell plate loosens up around the 100 round count. I've got a locking washer between the bolt and the washer.

2.Not sure if this is a problem or not, but around the shell holder I'm seeing a decent amount of brass 'powder.' Guessing it's due to the new brass, I'm not doing anything to the brass other than sizing in advance. Not deburring etc. Anything I need to do or be concerned about with this? Attached photo is after probably a couple hundred rounds. Now there is much more there.

3.The powder drop is twisting itself out of the press slowly. Every maybe 40-50 rounds I have to tighten it up. I thought that maybe the magnet from the DAA powder check (which is a really powerful magnet) was drawing it over, but I removed it and it is still happening. I also tried a new (out of a different package) die bushing, but it is still loosening.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


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I have the same a problem with the powder drop twisting out as well. No idea how to avoid it yet. As far as the shavings go it could be that your shell plate is slightly misaligned enough to shave a little brass off when it hits the die. My LNL will occasionally come out of alignment. I discovered two black screws at the bottom of the press that allow you to realign it.
The powder measure twisting is a common thing. Go to Harbor freight and get a box of assorted rubber o-rings. There's a size in there that is the same diameter but just a little thicker that will hold the powder assembly tighter.
If you've got a good thick lock washer on the bolt that holds the shell plate down I'd say you aren't getting it tight enough. It's tricky IIRC to get a solid hold on the plate to really put enough torque on the bolt. It's been so long since I did mine I don't remember what I used though.
Can't help with the brass dust, never had it happen.
Mpmo try tightening the bolt a bit more. Phone Hornady and tell them about your powder measure coming loose and they will send you a split shim to install which will stop it from coming loose.