Couple AZ Squirrels


New member
Fall is finally here, and squirrel season opened Friday here in AZ. I think it's gonna be a good year this year, I've seen quite a few on wood cutting trips and on my bear hunt. Today we got into a few and it was fun. We had company this morning but by noon I had my wife and daughters loaded up and we headed out to the old hot spot to meet my little brother and his family for an afternoon squirrel hunt.

We had decided to meet on a road we had cut wood on previously this year, it's always good for a few squirrels. It didn't take long before we had 3 squirrels down, and we stopped to clean them. My brother met us there and our wives let the kids play while we cleaned the squirrels. My oldest daughter was our little helper, she gets a kick out of it.


After that we all loaded up in my brother's pickup and drove the road system but didn't see any more squirrels. We decided to split up again and meet at another spot. During that time we treed another squirrel but he disappeared in a Ponderosa and we couldn't find him. When I pulled up to the meeting spot I found him cleaning 2 squirrels:

After that we headed home, we live in different towns so we take different forks in the road system. I was pretty confident we could each get at least one more on our way out. I was right. Heading out I spotted one, so I hopped out and treed it. My wife brought the rifle behind me and I got him. As I collected him and made my way back to the truck I noticed my wife was missing. I asked my daughter Jill "where's mommy?" She said "you saw a squirrel and you got him, and mommy saw another squirrel and she ran after it." Sure enough, I look out in the forest and my wife was looking up in a tree. I made my way over and to my disappointment she had a squirrel treed in one of the taller Ponderosa pines in the whole forest. I did locate him and missed him twice before he made his way somewhere near the top and I couldn't find him with the binoculars. It was a really big tree, I should have shot for his lungs the second shot. Wished I had the 22 mag, this was a situation where it would have come in handy. Anyway we ended up with 4, my limit was 5 so I was a little disappointed I didn't get that last one. There's always next time. My brother ended up getting 3 more on the way out. We all had a pretty good day. Here's the one I got on the way out:
Went out today to try and call some predators in the pines. No luck, except I almost got ran over by a deer. She was coming HARD! I did manage to shoot a few squirrels though [smilie=icon_mrgreen.gif]
